Status: Incomplete

Something is keeping me alive. I need to find out what it is.

Don't judge me before you know me, the more you use your eyes the less you see.

"Dude, I'm gonna drive the bus" I yelled at Marc-Andre who was fighting with me saying Mike, our bus driver wouldn't let me drive.
"Not if I get there first Jordan!" Maxime screamed at the top of his lungs throughout the bus, running down towards the front of the bus. If mike trusted anyone with the bus it was me and not Max, so I wasn't that worried. But I still ran after him towards the front of the bus, smiling and laughing as Max tripped over Ruslan's duffel bag, landing right on his face. This gave me a great opportunity to skip past him on my way to the front of the bus.

"Mike, can i drive the bus buddy?" I asked quickly, i was very surprised that my sentence didn't come out all jumbled.

"I don't know Jordan, that could turn out bad." Mike said very hesitant of letting me drive the bus, i don't blame him, i kinda had a bad boy past, getting arrested at my brothers bachelor party.

"Please, i promise, I'll be careful" I pleaded getting down on my knees laughing as I tried to give him the puppy dog face.

"OK, but you have to be extremely careful" Mike emphasised careful, getting up from his place behind the wheel. I snuck in behind the wheel but not quick enough.

"Wait a minute" Max stomped up to the front of the bus, with a cut above his left eyebrow.

"Oh wow man, you don't look so hot." I laughed getting ready to drive the bus, i was so excited.

"Not so fast, i want to drive the bus Mike" Max said playfully hitting mike in the arm.

"Jordan asked first, so let him go and then you can" Mike said squeezing past Max so he could take a seat as i drove the bus.

"Fine, You better not do anything to mess up me driving the bus, i mean it Gronk" Max hissed walking back to his seat on the bus next to Marc-Andre. I got ready to back the bus up putting it into reverse. Backing up wasn't what I was best at, I was just praying I wouldn't wreck the bus. I backed up slowly enough to swing out of the parking space we were in. I pushed on the gas and Boom, the whole bus shook.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air and quickly braking. I forgot to put the bus in drive and pushed on the gas pedal, Mike was going to kill me. As quickly as I could without making things worse I pulled back into the parking space, making sure to put it in park.

"Jordan, what the fuck was that?" Mike hissed making his way to the front of the bus in a hurry.

"I'm so sorry Bud, don't kill me" I said standing up from the wheel, I wasn't going to be driving the bus anymore.

"You better go talk to the girl who's car you hit." Mike said pointing in her general direction. I looked out the window where she was, she was a really pretty girl about 5'4, brown hair, but she had a pissed expression on her face.

"Wow she looks pissed, why don't you come with me." I pretty much begged mike.

"No this is your mess to clean up, and she looks like a feisty one." Mike pushed me out of the bus, causing me to fall flat on my face, I could see the girl out of the corner of my eye, she had somewhat of a grin on her face, she definitely saw me. Maybe this would help her not be as mean. I picked myself up off the concrete and brushed off my pants and shirt. I slowly walked toward her thinking of what I would say, I couldn't think fast enough though before I knew it she was right in front of me.

"So how bout this weather?" What the fuck was I saying, I didn't need to make small talk I just needed to get to the point.

"I'm sorry, I'm Jordan Staal, & I am so sorry about what just happened." I said sincerely trying to be nice about things.

"Well Jordan Staal, I'm not very happy about this." The girl spoke pushing her side swept bangs out of her eye as she looked up at me.

"Trust me I'm not very happy about it either, I should have just let Mike our bus driver drive." I laughed casually cracking a small grin. She walked over to the the car to take a look at it.

"Fuck, I needed my car to get to Pittsburgh." she whispered under her breath. Not quietly enough though, i heard everything she said.

"Did you say you were going to Pittsburgh?" I questioned getting closer to where she was standing next to her car.

"You heard that?" She had a surprised look on her face, as she looked from her car to me.

"We are going to Pittsburgh too, there is plenty of room on the bus, but we have to make a few stops." I said looking into her gorgeous Green eyes.

"I can't do that, what about my car?" she asked, she was actually considering this.

"Don't worry they won't do anything to it and I'll give you the money for the repairs" I said walking to the back of the car.

"Pop the trunk, is that where your stuff is?" I patted the trunk with my hand, as she walked to the front opening the door and pushing the button to pop the trunk, I grabbed her bags shutting the trunk when i was sure I had gotten them all. I started to walk towards the bus, realizing she wasn't following me.

"Are you coming?" I asked turning around to see her shutting the door after locking the car.

"Yeah." She ran trying to catch up to me almost tripping over her shoes.

"You know this is crazy, me just going with you and I barley know you, but i really need to get to Pittsburgh." She said as we walked closer to the bus.

"Yeah, but trust me you'll be fine, i didn't tell you but this is the Pittsburgh Penguins bus, Pittsburgh's NHL team." I said laughing a bit.

"Oh and your a broadcaster or something?" She asked seriously.

"No, I'm a hockey player, I'm a center." I giggled a bit, as I cracked a smile. "So what are you going to Pittsburgh for anyway, if you don't mind me asking."

"I have an appointment." She said kind of bluntly, I guess she didn't want to talk about it. We neared the bus and I put her stuff with all of our bags. We walked onto the bus, and all the noise stopped.

"This is ......." I didn't know her name, I forgot to ask, how could i forget that.

"Brittany, it's nice to meet you all." She waved finishing my sentence, she must have realized she hadn't told me her name.

"Hi Brittany." All my teammates said at the same time.

"She's gonna be going with us to Pittsburgh." I told them as I started to walk to the back of the bus where my seat was. I took her hand leading her back to an empty seat, and sitting next to her.

"You better get comfy, this is gonna be a long ride." i laughed dropping her hand forgetting that I was holding it.

"Thank you for this." She said leaning over and giving me a soft kiss on my cheek, sending chills through my body.
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New story, I would love to know what you think, i have some stuff planned for this story (: