
Three; Andy.

"What got up your arse?" I asked, snapping slightly. Who did she think she was?
"Your mum's nose," she replied.
"Ohhh, waste." I finished, bored of bickering as my phone vibrated in my hand. I leaned back against the uncomfortable broken plastic seat and replied to the text message. Danny was a dick, but amusing when bored.

Class just dragged on and on. I knew eventually I would have to talk to someone but the fact that every child in the class looked like an ape or acted like one infuriated me. One person seemed fairly normal but as I had stated earlier, she was waste. Sighing over dramatically I grabbed one of the text books off the floor and opened it. Tagging might amuse me for a while, I started scribbling 'A's inside the blank pages until I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned my shaggy blond hair with green streaked head to face the person next to me.
"What do you want Wastecase?" I asked, giving the stranger a nickname, mainly to wind up her wires but if a fight broke out at least I'd be a little amused.

She looked at me with narrow eyes.
"I was just wondering what you were drawing," Wastecase babbled, crossing her arms after popping out an earphone to hear me. I threw the book to her and again replied to Danny. A minute later after I was done and the text was sent the stranger looked at me.
"You're good,"
"I know, what did you think of my art though?"
"Oh shut up! I'm Emilie,"
"Isn't that a..?" She trailed off seemingly embarrassed. I rolled my eyes, for someone who could open her gob she seemed to hold back touching sensitive subjects.
"A boys name? No, it's short for Andrea," I faked gagging and stuck two fingers in my mouth. Emilie laughed and nodded. We shook hands and returned to our own little worlds, stubborn and hard headed against anyone new in our unique environments.
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:3 Enjoy?