Gi dans L'amour Avec Toi

Gi dans l'amour avec toi

One Shot Emmett Cullen GI dans l'amour avec toi

I sighed as Emmett set me down on the soft wet grass.

“Wow that was fun you really can’t go any faster” I said a tad sarcastically.

“That’s what she said”
We said in unison

I grinned as I stretched my arms over my head. I looked over and Emmett just grinned at me with his perfect dimples that got him everything he wanted from me.
I leaned over and heard my back crack satisfyingly

“Nice view” Emmett said I didn’t even have to turn around to know he was smirking.

“Shut up” I said slightly blushing as I stood straight again.

‘What’s this Melanie’s blushing” he said walked over to see my face

“No” I whispered as I tried to get my shoulder length hair to cover my face.

‘What are we doing here anyways”

“I dunno Mel why don’t you tell me” he cocked his head to the said he looked so adorable.

‘Emmett Cullen has the blood sucking finally got to your head” I said hitting my knuckles against his forehead. His cold hand grabbed my wrist. I shivered even though I was wearing a heavy winter coat.
I let myself slip into his newly refreshed golden eyes. With difficulty I pulled out of the gaze.

“Seriously dude what the heck are we doing here”

I removed my hand form his forehead but I couldn’t get it out of his grip. He held my wrist tightly but gently. I loved the feeling that he could snap be into in milliseconds but, didn’t or wouldn’t. my heart raced at the thought. I remember back to when I first found out.6 years ago, I was taking my daily jog at night. Yeah I know weird but to the point I saw him- I thought I was going crazy because it’s not human he was sucking the life out of this grizzly bear. Oh it wasn’t pretty I jetted out of there well I tried and I thought I was the fasted on the track team. I remember the like it was yesterday the blood dripping of the corner of his mouth. Tears, dripping of my face. Wishing I just stayed home and watched the marathon of House with a bag of cheetos. But if I did I wouldn’t be here falling in this what I call the ultimate worse case of love. A married man kind of love.

“Look I brought you here because”

There was a gust of wind and then Rosalie appeared at Emmett’s side looking as beautiful as ever.

“Emmett” She said with her voice like a melody.
“I need you” She acted as if wasn’t even standing there.

I snatched my hand out of Emmett’s grip there would truly be a bruise there later.

“Uh Em I’ll see ya tomorrow” I turned on my heels and expected him to call out for m. I turned around and Rosalie golden eyes pierced into mine then she kissed him.
I spun my head around and I sure I got whiplash from it too. I sped walked all the way home. I fought tears. There was no way I’m crying for a boy. Especially a married one. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and again I was reminded of him. He got me a key chain is was a little pink bear it was really old so old both of its legs were missing. I smiled as I stuck the key in the door and turned it.
“Mum I’m home” I kicked of my sneakers and hung my coat oh the coat hanging thingy.

“Hi honey I’m making dinner your favorite” she yelled form the kitchen

“ Not hungry, I’ll be in my room”

“Alright” she said as I turned the corner and climbed the stairs. I entered my room and locked the door behind me. I walked over the window and opened it a crack. I grabbed my I-pod from my nightstand and put it into my ears. I shut my eyes and turned the volume full blast. I hummed along to Brick By Boring Brick. Emmett and I slow danced to this song once. I smiled when I realized I was thinking about him again. I shivered when I felt a blast of cold air hit my face.

“You were never the best singer”

My eyes sprang open and I withheld the scream that wanted to come out.

“Shit” I screeched/Whispered

I looked over at Emmett who was booming with laughter.

“What the hell” I said sitting up

“The window was open?” he tried

“You almost gave me a heart attack” I said breathing out of my mouth trying to catch my breath.

“I know I heard it.” He smiled

I just stared at him. And he just started at me.

‘What are you thinking” he said studying me.

“Nothing just that I have a vampire in my room and that I’m not worried my mother will knock on the door any moment” I said with a hint of sarcasm

He grinned again his eyes sparkling. He placed himself on the bed across from me.

“If you had a chance to live forever would you take it,” he said all signs of him joking disappeared.

I didn’t like the intense look in his eyes. I fell onto my back so that I was looking up at the ceiling.

“I’m not sure Em” I said truthfully
Well maybe if it was with you I thought

“What if it was with me,” he said moving so fast so he was hovering over me.

Damn I thought as my pulse quickened. I could feel the cold radiating off of him making me shiver but in a good way.

“Emmett what are you saying are you on some new drug” I said awkwardly as I tried to get out of his arm prison. He lowered his self on to me so I couldn’t’ move. His face hovered inches-centimeters.

“Melanie I’m being completely serious would you want to spend you life with me”

I blushed and turned my head so I wouldn’t be looking at him. I looked at his hand and then at his fingers and glared at the gold band on his finger. He caught me starting.

“If this is about Rosalie” He pulled himself off of me and in a flash pulled the ring of and threw it to the ground

“I want you to know that were done”

“What happened” I said shocked a minute ago they were just kissing

“Just know we done”

I wanted to really say Woohoo and do a dance but I contained my self.

I stared at him wide eyed. He was breathing unnecessarily hard. He moved over to me and stood on his knees.
“These past 7 years were so hard for me Melanie I thought it was nothing when you first caught my eye in school. But you were just so real so warm -– he stuttered then grinned at me for a moment-- I don’t wanna sound like Edward”
He held my face in his hands.
“I love you Melanie” I held his cold hands closer to my face as I stood at my knees.

“Well that took a long time.” I grinned at I let my weight fall on him. He let us fall back and I straddled his waist.
“What did you see in her?” I said playfully --kinda as I traced my fingers on his chest.
“Have you experienced vampire sex?” he said grinning madly.
As he pulled my hands closer to him cling the space between us and placed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his head and he left his at my ass. He broke away first.
“You never said it,” he said smirking
“Said What” then it clicked
“I love you Emmett Cullen”
And he kissed me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment tell what I think.
Peace and Love and Emmett Cullen!!!