Status: new story dont know where its goin'

I Swear This Time I Mean It


I stumpled up the stairs of my apartment, tripping over the high heels strapped to my feet. I took a deep breath once I reached the final step, whipping the sweat away from my forhead, I stepped over to my front door. I dug my hand into my purse, reaching for my keys.
I shoved the keys into the hole and when the door clicked open I pushed on the hard wood. I lefted my eyes away from the door and into my apartment.

My eyes scan the interior of the room, they fly to the trail of clothes leading over to my bedroom. I yank out my ear buds instantly regretting it, shouts and moans hit ny ears over the small hum of my iPod. I drop my purse and kick off my shoes before I storm into my room beating down the door.
The door slams against the wall as I step into the room looking to the posters of my favorite bands, lyrics swimming into my head of hate and sadness. I look over at the fake Barbie doll positioned over my boyfriend. My bare feet smack against the wood floor as I step over to the couple, I pull the girl's dyed hair yanking her up.

"Get Out, You Whore!" I yelled.

She fell to the ground giving a quick call me back at Mason before running out of my home. I turn to Mason, a fire burning in my chest, sparking up at my throat. I gasp for air feeling defeated and weak. I plead with my eyes for the truth.

"You said you would be working late." He said pulling the pale blue sheet around his waist, he steps over to me.

"Thats your excuse." I say getting mad. I look up at him, his face is pulled into a plea but I am in no mood for this crap.

"I love you," He says reaching up to stroke my cheeks. I step away from him, glaring.

"If you love me, why did you sleep with that slut?" I ask.

"Rach," he says "I swear I do love you." he says avoiding my question. I roll my eyes.

"Leave." I say

Mason looks surprised, "You don't believe me?"

"I don't believe lies. Now Leave. You can pack up your stuff and leave." I say shoving him out if my room and out of my house.

"You can pick it up tommorow." I say before slamming the door in his face.

I slide down my door, pulling myself into a ball, before tears I hadn't known I had been hiding slipped out.
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new story