Status: new story dont know where its goin'

I Swear This Time I Mean It


I woke up to the sound of pounding on the door I was up against. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes, as I pulled myself up to look through the peep hole.
Mason stood with boxes in hand looking how I felt, defeated.

"Go away Jack ass!" I yell stumpling away from the door and over to the purse that I had thrown on the ground last night.

"Rach, Rachel, Rachel!" Mason screams, I roll my eyes and ignore him as I diel my bestfriends number into my phone.

"Hello?" She askes in a sleepy voice.

"Cass!" I screamed, "Will you come over?" I ask into the electronic device.

"Sure, I'll be by later." She says.

"No! I need you over here now!" I say beginining to cry.

"Woah, Woah Don't cry. What's that matter chica?" She askes soothingly.

"I broke up with Mason and He's here to pick up his shit."

"Oh sweetheart I'll be over right away."
I nod and hang up the phone after mumbling a thank you.

I leave Mason at the door and walk into the kitchen. I move throughout the room, grabbing two coffee mugs and setting them by the coffee maker. I grab one of the blue berry muffins, lined up in the cardboard box and take bites of the muffin and sips my coffee beforee I buzzed Cassadee into the building.

I drink the last of my coffee and walk over to the fridge. I swing the door open, revealing food that is both mine and Mason's.

I let out a sigh before walking over to the pantry and pulling the trash can over to the fridge.
I am in the middle of dropping all of Mason's Amp into the black trash bag, when I here the sound of Cassadee's voice.

"Rach, I'm here."

I drop the last can before I let both Cassadee and Mason in.
I let Cassadee move past me and into the kitchen but stop Mason.

"You have one hour to get all of your crap out of my house, what's left goes out the window." I say and then walk over to the waiting Cassadee, in the Kitchen.

"That was awesome" she said giving me a high five.

I smiled, "I try."
♠ ♠ ♠
cassadee is none other than the cassadee pope.