Status: active

I am a Princess, You are a Pirate.

Even Kourtney Will Love Us

Chapter 9: Even Kourtney Will Love Us

A BLACK MASK forced its’ way over my mouth while sharp ropes sewn with glass wrapped their way around my lungs. My body unwillingly jerked in all directions, and the ropes cut into my wrists. I was a rag doll, tossed around but not forgotten. I meant nothing, but in my absence I only caused trouble.

My body lurched again, and I awoke. I was covered in sweat, my voice was raw from screaming and my hands shook so badly I could not even attempt to light the candle. How on earth could I have had a nightmare after something so amazing had just happened? I had finally figured out a little bit about Jacoubi- we had kissed- and then I go and dream something like that? It just didn’t make any sense.

I tried to slow down my breathing, but it was hard. I could still hear the wind gasping outside and the boat moaning against the waves. Cue the thunder, the lighting, and my scream. I tried to hold it in, but it came out anyway. I disliked storms, and I had a very good feeling that everyone aboard disliked me. For I was sure I had been causing a scene and had woken up several crew members.

The boat swung again in the water, and the candle fell off of the table and rolled into an unknown corner of the small room. Now light and therefore comfort was completely out of the question.

I sank down farther into the bed and pulled up the covers over my head. My body still shook and with each thunderclap I had to force myself not to scream.

The door opened then, and a pair of feet carried someone across the wooden planks. I was too afraid, too embarrassed, to see who it was. But instead of it being someone telling me to shut up, I felt a body lay down next to me.

“You okay, Love?” he whispered in my ear. I immediately sighed in relief, and then took the covers away from my face. I could barely make out his silhouette in the darkness, but his hands found my face and his thumbs stroked my cheeks.

“I am now,” I said. I felt lame, really, for saying it. But it was true, I was okay when he was near.

“You been crying, Love?” he asked me in a whisper.

“No,” I lied.

“Why?” he asked, ignoring my declination.

“I had a nightmare, and then woke up to, well, something I’d rather not wake up to.”

He laughed then, but not as if he was mocking me for being afraid. He was amused with my words, my gestures, but it was a good amusement. It was an amusement I was content with.

“Why on earth would you force me to let you come onto a ship if you were afraid of water and storms and the like?”

“I never forced you to do anything.” I said defiantly.

“Okay, truce, truce.” He said.

“Quitter,” I taunted.

“Oh, so now I’m a quitter?” he asked me.

“Yes. You gave in. You’re becoming soft, love.” I smiled in the darkness.

And then his lips found mine and I forgot all about the fight we weren’t having. It amazed me that having him in the same vicinity as me, having him talk to me, touch me, could make me feel completely different.

I kissed him back, and forced all other thoughts out of my mind. It didn’t matter that we were still strangers. It didn’t matter that I didn’t know what the next day or week would hold. All that mattered was the moment we were both in.

“How’s that for bein’ a quitter, Love?” he asked me when we finally broke away.
“That had absolutely nothing to do with what we were talking about. You just couldn’t think of anything else, so you distracted me.”

“Am I a good distraction, Love?”

“Yes Jacoubi,” I said, and then I kissed him and blocked out the sound of the storm. I fell asleep with him by my side, his hand in mine. I was at ease for once.
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But, I think I'm finally back on track. More tomorrow.