Status: Complete

I'll Be Your Melody


Edward sat down on the couch in his room and tried to calm his nerves. Andii drove him crazy; everything about her did, not just her blood. Of course, her blood called to him like crazy and it was much sweeter smelling than Bella’s.

But the way she smiled and laughed made his cold, dead heart feel like it was warm and beating. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

He had to get away from her for a little bit so he made her go to Alice. If he was around her too much, he thought he might go crazy and lose control.

Just the kiss that they had shared before almost made him cross that line. He fell back onto the couch and closed his eyes and focused on Alice and Andii’s minds. Were they talking about him?

Andii was daydreaming about them holding hands. That made him smile, but then he saw that Alice had a vision. It forced him to sit up and literally turn to the direction of her room. Was that really going to happen?!

No, it couldn’t! Things were suppose to work out with him and Andii, Alice already saw them happy together!

He thought about the vision and replayed it in his head…

“Bella, don’t be like this. Please.” Edward pleaded.

“Why do you want to break up?! Is it because of Andrea?!” she spat Andii’s name like tasted bad on her tongue.

“Don’t bring her into this,”

“It is her! Don’t you see that she has been trying to steal you away from me the moment she saw us together. You fell for her lies!” she screamed. Luckily Charlie wasn’t home so it was just him and her in her living room together.

“Bella, this is why I want to break up with you. You cling to me,” he said.

“Because I LOVE you! Andii doesn’t! She thinks of this as a game and she’ll win if you leave me for her!”

“Please stop yelling,” he asked her calmly.

“NO! I’m not giving you to her! If you dump me for her then I’ll tell everyone your family’s secret!” she threatened. Edward stiffened.

“You wouldn’t. Bella that isn’t funny,” he said icily.

“It’s definitely not funny, but if that’s the only way to make you stay then I’ll use it. I’ll tell everyone in Forks that you’re a vampire unless you keep dating me,” she said with a smirk. Edward glared at her. What had he seen in her?


Edward groaned and felt like pulling the hair out of his head. There was a knock on his door and Alice came in with Andii. Seeing her put a smile on his face, but then it dropped a little thinking about the vision.

“I’m heading home now,” Andii said with a small smile. Edward stood up and hugged her, kissing her temple.

“See you tomorrow at school, Love,” Andii blushed and nodded. Edward smiled as she left with Alice. His face fell and he sat back down on his couch. 5 minutes passed and Alice was back and sitting next to him.

“I'm guessing you saw the vision,” Edward nodded and held his head in his hands.

“What are we going to do?” he asked. Alice shrugged her shoulders.

“The good news is that I can still see you and Andii together in the future. You’ll do the right thing, but I just can't see what it is now,” she whispered.

“When am I going to go to Bella’s” he asked.

“Today. Charlie is out fishing and I saw you going today,” she answered.

“What if I don’t go today?” he asked. Alice shook her head.

“You do go today even if you say you won’t. My visions of it haven’t changed, so you will go,” she whispered. Edward groaned and grabbed a jacket before leaving the house. Better to get it over with now than later. Maybe then he can think of a solution for the predicament.

Edward stopped running and sat on a tree branch of the tree next to Bella’s window. It was open like always. He took a deep, unnecessary breath before jumping through the window.

Bella jumped from her spot on the bed, but smiled once she saw it was Edward.

“You scared me,” she smiled.

“Bella, I need to talk to you,” he mumbled. Bella sat up and her smile dropped completely.

“About what?” she asked. Her voice shook slightly.

“Bella, I want to break up,” he whispered. Bella’s jaw fell and she stuttered for words and blinked almost a million times.

“What?!” Then the vision played out just like Alice and he had seen it…

“Fine…” Bella smirked happily and went to hug him like nothing happened, but he pushed her away from him.

“We may still be dating in the eyes of others, but I don’t love you or even like you anymore Bella.” He hissed lowly.

“What? Why?!” she asked.

“You’re blackmailing me when I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore. That’s low Bella, low. How can you even think that I would like you anymore?” he asked angrily. He clenched his fists and realized that her blood didn’t even smell good anymore. It was just like everyone else’s, nothing special.

“Have you told Andrea that you're a vampire?” she asked crossing her arms.


“Then there’s nothing you can do to stop me from blackmailing you. She’ll just think that you didn’t mean it and are avoiding her because tomorrow you’re not allowed to talk to her,” she snapped

“You’re a bitch,” he growled.

“And you’re a cold, dead, bastard, but I won’t let anyone else have you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Bella's a bitch.