Status: Complete

I'll Be Your Melody


You make breaking hearts look so easy! Seems like you’ve done this before—

I pushed the snooze button on my alarm clock and rolled over in bed. Today was not the day I wanted to go to school… Sighing, I finally turned off the alarm all the way and walked into my bathroom to take a shower.

The hot water helped to wake me up, but not very much. I wrapped a fluffy white towel around my waist and walked back into my room. I could hear Bentley crying, but he soon stopped so I guess my mom got to him first.

I blow dried my brown hair and straightened it before getting dressed in a long sleeve black shirt with a giant white peace sign on it, skinny jeans, and black Ugg boots. I put on some powder and eyeliner before grabbing my jacket. My eyelashes were naturally long so I didn’t need mascara. I put on my white peacoat and went down stairs into the kitchen.

“There you are. Are you going to eat anything?” My mom asked. She had Bentley resting on her hip while he drank juice out of his sippy cup. I nodded and ate a bowl of fruity pebbles. I went back into my bathroom to brush my teeth before I left.

“Don’t forget to pick up Bentley after school,” my mom said.

“I won’t.” I grabbed my schedule, map, keys, and my backpack before walking out the front door. Time for hell-I mean school…

I drove into the parking lot and picked a random spot near the back. Getting out of my car, I noticed how dark the sky was. It will probably rain later today.

I walked towards to entrance of the school and saw a lot of other kids hanging out by the doors in by their cars. I guess school isn't open yet.

“Hey!” I turned to see who yelled and saw a guy waving energetically at me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah you! Come here!” It looked like he was on a sugar high or something. I slowly walked over to him and got a better look at him. He had crazy blonde hair that looked like he just rolled out of bed. He was wearing a Three Days Grace Band-Tee and black skinny jeans with vans.

“You’re new here! I’m Elijah, but my peeps call me Eli. I LOVE skittles so I’m usually eating them,” as he said that I saw him pop two into his mouth. I cracked a small smile at him which caused his smile to get larger.

“What’s your name?”

“Andrea, but my peeps call me Andii,” I said mimicking him. He nodded his head in understanding and I couldn’t hold back my laugh this time. He was funny.

“Oh, Andii, this is my good friend, Jaycee. She’s pretty tight and you can call her Jay if you want,” I looked at Jaycee and noticed that she was the polar opposite of Eli. Jay wore those clothes that looked like they were vintage, the ones that were ‘in style’. Like the flower print skirts and flowy blouses.

“Nice to meet you, Andii,” she said. Her natural red hair was wavy and went down to her chest.

“Nice to meet you too,” I said with a smile.

“From now on, you’re going to be our best friend, okay? Okay! Good that we understand each other,” Eli said eating more skittles. I held back a laugh and shook my head.

“Don’t worry he’s not retarded. This is normal for him,” Jaycee said. I nodded and a bell rang. Teenagers around us started filing into the building and Jaycee stood next to me. Eli hopped up from his spot on the concrete steps.

“Let me see your classes!” Eli took my schedule before I could say anything and scanned over the classes.

“That’s amazing! We have 5 out of the 8 classes together. You have 4 classes with Jaycee including gym, but there’s one class that you don’t have with either of us,” he told me.

“Which one?” I asked taking my paper back.

“Science, you’re taking a Junior class…” Eli grumbled and shoved a handful of the candy into his mouth and tossed the empty wrapper into a hallway trashcan.

“It’s actually really easy,” I told him. Eli pulled another bag of skittles out from his backpack and grinned at me.

“You’re smart, aren’t you?” he asked.

“I get As if that’s what you're asking…” Eli jumped up and down and hugged me tightly. Jaycee sighed heavily and shook her head.

“Now he won’t ever let go of you. I got pulled in the same way,” she explained. I stared at Eli who was giving me those adorable puppy eyes.

“Help me study, Andii. Pllleaassssssssssssseee,” he begged. How could I say no to that…?


“Is that her?” Jasper asked. Alice glanced around the room subtly and saw the girl in her vision sitting near the back of the classroom. Looks like they have first period together. She saw that Elijah was also there, the school clown. As always, he had a bag of skittles with him.

“Yeah that’s her.” They talked too quickly and quietly that no one around them could hear what they were saying.

“Come on Jasper, let’s go make us some more friends.” She pulled her husband up and over to the other side of the room. Eli noticed them first and smiled happily at Alice. She was the nicest girl at the school.

“Hey, Alice, Jasper,” he greeted them. Jasper nodded his head softly and Alice smiled.

“Hey, Elijah. You must be Andrea. Everyone is talking about the new pretty girl at the school,” she said. Andrea blushed softly.

“Really? I don’t want that much attention,” she said with a small laugh. Alice was starting to like this girl. She had a great sense of fashion to. That was right up Alice’s alley.

Jasper and Alice sat down in front of them, Alice in front of Andii, and Jasper in front of Eli.

“Where did you get that jacket?” Alice asked, beaming.

“From Forever 21 back in Massachusetts.” Andrea said happy to have made a new friend.

“You’re from the North? No wonder your accent is different. How long did you live there?”

This was only the beginning of their friendship.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2(:
Edward is in the next one so leave a comment!! :D