Status: Complete

I'll Be Your Melody


“Andii, this is the fifth store… When do you plan on stopping?” Edward asked as we walked along the sidewalk. Sure, we’ve gone into a lot of stores, but there’s nothing catching my eye.

“When I find something I like,” I said winking. Edward playfully groaned and squeezed my hand that he held in his.

“Are you hungry?” he asked after a moment. I was about to say no, but my stomach interrupted me with a growl. I guess I didn’t realize how hungry I was.

“I guess I am,” I said with a small laugh. Edward grinned and pulled me into the nearest diner and we took a seat near the window in a booth. A waitress came by and eyed Edward before handing us our menus.

“Am I going to have to eat your share again?” I asked remembering the last time we went out to eat and how he made me eat his food so it didn’t look suspicious.

“Not this time. I’m ‘not hungry’,” he said using air quotes. I chuckled and looked over the food choices.

“Chicken strips, huh?” Edward asked. I looked up and saw him concentrating on me.

“Read my mind and see where that gets you the rest of this break,” I threatened playfully. I may complain a lot about him reading my mind, but I honestly don’t mind too much because there shouldn’t ever be secrets between us.

“Hmm, no secrets huh? Well then I guess I have to admit that I’m very jealous right now.” I raised an eyebrow and glanced around subtly.

“Who are you jealous of?” I asked when I saw no one looking at us.

“Every time you look away, those 3 guys in the corner look over here and their thoughts are less than innocent might I add,” he mumbled. I smiled a little at him.

“Maybe I should go talk to them,” I teased. Edward grabbed my hand and held onto it with an iron grip. It didn’t hurt, but I definitely wouldn’t be able to leave the booth.

“I was just kidding,” I laughed a little loudly. When the waitress heard me, she came back over and glanced at our hands before asking for our order. I ordered the chicken strips and she left to take it to the cooks.

Edward squeezed my hand a little harder and stared out the window at something. I looked outside too, but I didn’t see anything weird.

“I wasn’t looking for anything weird. I just thought I saw a familiar face, but I was mistaken,” he said with a small smile, but something tells me that that’s not true.

“Edward, just tell me if something’s wrong,” I said softly. He made eye contact with me before smiling genuinely this time.

“Nothing’s wrong, I just need to relax more and enjoy this week with you,” he said while bringing the back of my hand to his lips and kissing it softly. I blushed and looked down at the table, but that only made him chuckle at me.

“Boys aren’t that chivalrous anymore…”

“That’s a shame. Every girl deserves to be treated right,” he replied. I looked back up and into his golden eyes.

“Well, it’s a good thing that I have you then,” I grinned, but jumped in surprise when my food was practically dropped in front of me. I quickly let go of Edward’s hand to make sure the plate didn’t slide off the table. I looked up just in time to see the waitress slithering away. That little…

“That wasn’t very nice,” Edward commented. I gave him a no duh look before inspecting my food.

“What if she spit in it?” I asked completely serious. Edward looked over at her and concentrated on her for a minute.

“Yeah, don’t eat it. That’s nasty; I didn’t think that kind of stuff happened outside of movies, but I guess it does. Let’s just go somewhere else to eat or we can go back to the cabin,” he said and called the waitress back over to get the check.

The bitch spit in my food. I should throw the plate at her and see how she likes eating her own saliva…

“She’s just jealous of you. She keeps thinking about how good of a couple we are and how beautiful you are. Of course, she doesn’t like you because she keeps comparing herself to you and then there’s me too,” he grinned like a madman.

“Don’t let that boost your ego just because some girl thinks you're hot,” I grumbled as the girl came back and handed the bill sweetly to Edward.

“I hope you enjoyed your meal. Please come back anytime,” She added. Edward flashed her a killer smile before replying.

“Sorry, my girlfriend and I are only here for the week on a small vacation. We’re going back to Washington soon,” he said kindly. I wanted to laugh and rub it in her face, but I held back and let Edward do that talking. The waitress’ smile fell.

“That’s too bad. Enjoy the rest of your day.” She walked away and Edward opened the bill holder. There was a small piece of paper inside folded up next to the receipt. I quickly grabbed it before Edward could and opened it.

“Her number… she gave you her number…” I grumbled before grabbing the pen that came with the receipt and writing “He’s mine.” On the back of the paper.

“Childish much?”

“No, she started it by coming on to someone else’s boyfriend. That’s a HUGE no no,” I explained and put the paper back inside the holder with the receipt. Edward smiled and shook his head at me before grabbing my hand and leading me towards the exit.

On the way out, the three guys Edward was talking about earlier whistled at me. Edward picked up the speed and soon we were outside the diner.

“Now who’s childish?” I asked with a smirk. Edward snorted and pulled me along the side walk. I just smiled and held his hand knowing he didn’t want to admit to the truth about his behavior.

“So now what?” I asked him. None of the shops held anything that caught my eye so I guess we’re going back to the cabin now so I can eat too.

“We can do that or—“ Edward stopped mid sentence and stopped walking to glance around. I followed his lead and did the same with scrunched up eyebrows.


“Shh, don’t say anything,” he whispered almost too softly for me to hear him. What the hell is going on?! Edward glanced down at me before holding my hand tighter and leading us back to his car.

“I’ll explain back at the cabin,” he mumbled. I was more than confused… I was bewildered… befuddled!
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