Status: Complete

I'll Be Your Melody


It was Tuesday. One day without Edward and I’m already bored like no other. I knew Emma and Eli would hang out with me, but I didn’t tell them I was back because I didn’t want to worry them. Besides, something might be happening between them and I don’t want to jack that up.

But I can't just sit in my room all day doing nothing. I’ll end up just worrying about what Edward is doing… Sighing, I grabbed my swimsuit and put a white tank top and shorts on over it. A nice swim at First Beach should help clear my head, well it better.

I grabbed the keys to my car and drove the short distance to the beach. No one was here, but that’s obvious. It’s still early in the morning and a little chilly. None of the teenagers showed up until late afternoon so I had the whole place to myself.

I sat down on the shore and played with a small hermit crab that was walking around. The cold water splashed against my flip flops and feet while I stared at the water.

“Hey you!” I turned when I heard someone’s voice and saw a really tan guy behind me.

“Me?” I asked stupidly.

“Yeah… who else is here?” he replied sarcastically. I glared at him and stood up brushing my shorts off.

“Can I help you?” I asked rudely seeing as he already put me in a bad mood.

“You’re obviously not from the rez, so you don’t know this, but usually the people from Forks don’t show up here until later.”

“I didn’t realize there was a set schedule,” I snorted and crossed my arms over my chest. The boy narrowed his eyes at me before chuckling lightly.

“People are supposed to run away when I say that,” he explained. I raised an eyebrow and relaxed a little.

“Well, I didn’t. Do you need anything else?” I just wanted him to leave… The wind blew messing up my hair. I ran my fingers through it and tucked the dark strands behind my ears.

“I—What’s that smell? You smell like…” the boy lost his happy grin and narrowed his eyes once more. He sniffed the air like a dog and frowned. I eyed him up and down and everything seemed to click in my head.

“You’re one of them aren’t you?” I asked softly. The boy froze and stopped sniffing the air.

“…What do you mean?”

“I’ve met a few of them in Oregon, but never here. You’re part of a pack too, right? I mean, you look the same as the other boys do. Tan, tall, strong, short black hair, usually dressed in cut off shorts and no shirt,” I pointed out.

“How do you know about us?” he hissed before his eyes shot open.

“You hang around leeches! I can smell them on you,” he growled. I sniffed myself before realizing the tank top I was wearing was one I wore in Athena with Edward.

“That’s right. My boyfriend is a ‘leech’,” I said using air quotes.

“Who is he?!”

“Who are you?” I retorted. The boy started shaking, but calmed himself back down to answer me.

“Jacob Black.”

“Andrea Fallows, but call me Andii. As for my boyfriend… Do you know an Edward Cullen?” Jacob growled loudly. Well is seems like he does know Edward.

“Of all the blood suckers! You chose that bastard?!” he bellowed.

“I didn’t exactly choose him! He already had a girlfriend when I met him and I didn’t want to break them up, but it was so hard to stay away from him. After he broke up with her, he explained everything to me and it all made sense. I was his singer—“

“Yeah and that girl he broke up with is my best friend!” Jacob yelled. I winced and continued.

“Jacob, Edward explained a little bit about the wolves and what they are. I know about imprinting. When a vampire finds his singer, it’s so hard to stay away just like it will be for you when you imprint.

“But with vampires it’s so much more dangerous. You must know this firsthand. If Edward were to ever lose his control around me, I could die—“

“Then don’t be with him! Vampires shouldn’t even exist!”

“Jacob, it’s not that easy. Try to imagine what it would be like to force yourself to stay away from someone you love more than anything. When you imprint, you’ll understand what I mean,” I said softly. Jacob just looked at me with no emotion showing on his face.

“I’m sorry for intruding on your beach. I’ll leave then,” I said with a sigh and began to pass by him. Jacob shot his hand out and caught my arm.

“Look, I'm not good with my emotions when it comes to the Cullens. You don’t have to leave,” he said apologetically.

“It’s fine. I don’t want to be here when parties break out,” I said with a humorous grin. Jacob released my arm but didn’t break eye contact.

“Andii, can you tell me what happened between Edward and Bella before and after the break up?” he asked after a moment of silence.


“I’m her best friend and she won’t tell me anything. I also may like her as more than just a friend,” he added at the end with a light blush gracing his tan cheeks. I smiled and sat back down and he joined me.

“Well, when I first saw them together, they looked like the stereotypical perfect couple… they held hands, joked together, and looked happy in general.

“But when I saw them in class every day, I noticed that Bella was very protective of Edward and somewhat clingy. She and I had to change seats and when I sat next to Edward, she would always butt in during our projects and try to distract him,” I explained everything to Jacob even about the lunch fight and her blackmailing Edward.

“She really blackmailed him?” he asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, she didn’t want us to be together. I seriously thought Edward was just playing around with me when I saw them still together at school. I didn’t even want to go to school after that,” I mumbled.

“I’m sorry, Andii. Speaking of Edward, where is he? I doubt he would have let you come here,” Jacob said with a small laugh.

“He had to take care of a family matter in Oregon and I had to stay here,” I replied sadly. Jacob nudged me with his elbow and grinned widely.

“Good, I’ll just keep you company until he comes back!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments(: If you find any errors please let me know so I can fix them!
I like how a lot of you thought the wolf was going to be Mason(:

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