Status: Complete

I'll Be Your Melody


Important Author's Note at the bottom!

The bell rang ending school and Eli and I walked out to the parking lot to go pick up Bentley. We saw Alice and walked over to her to talk before leaving.

“Hey, how was your first day?” Alice asked leaning against Jasper. They were so cute together.

“It was okay. I have a class with Edward too.” I told her. Alice raised an eyebrow before pulling us away from the boys to talk just to me.

“Was he mean to you?” she asked me seriously.

“No, but he did glare at me…” I trailed off remembering class today. Alice’s face dropped and then she smirked happily.

“Don’t worry. He only glares at people when he feels scared of them. So you probably just scare him. Why don’t you talk to him about it? Trust me, once you talk to him about his fear, he’ll stop glaring,” she told him.

“Really? He’s scared of me?” I asked incredulously.

“Yeah, that’s Edward for you. Hey I have to go now, but I’ll talk to you tomorrow in class,” Alice waved goodbye to me and got in the car with Jasper and Eli returned to my side.

“What was that all about?” he asked as we walked to my car.

“Nothing, just girl stuff,” I said and got him. Eli shrugged his shoulders and got in the passenger side.

“So how old is your brother?” he asked digging around in his backpack.

“A little over a year,” I said while driving to the daycare. Eli let out a squeal like noise when he pulled a tiny bag of skittles out of his bag. And I’m suppose to think he’s straight…

“I thought I ate my last bag today in 8th period,” he grinned. When we stopped at a red light, I grabbed the bag and ate most of it. I probably looked like a chipmunk with my cheeks full of bright colored candy. Eli’s jaw literally dropped. It was quiet for a second.

“Evil…” he grumbled and ate the few I left for him. I tried not to laugh or smile because the skittles would fall out of my mouth.

When we arrived at the daycare, Eli was the first one out of the car and into the small building. I laughed and followed him in. I told the woman my name and that I was here to pick up my little brother. She led us back into the play area and I saw Bentley playing with blocks.

“Bentley!” I almost yelled. He looked up from the blocks and smiled widely and crawled to me. The woman smiled and Eli just stood there staring at all the babies.

“Annie!” he whined and reached up for me. I kneeled down and picked him up.

“Look at all of them,” Eli mumbled wide eyed.

“They’re babies…” I whispered to him and shifted Bentley onto my hip.

“Think about how much they all poop in one day. This must be hell for the people working here,” I smacked him on the back of the head and smiled while pulling him away and out of the building. When I was putting Bentley in his car seat that was only in my car for today, I saw him staring at Eli.

“Bentley, this is my friend, Eli,” I said once I was back in the front seat. Eli turned around and waved at my brother. Bentley kind of cocked his head to the side in thought.

“Ellie?” he asked in a baby voice. I laughed, but Eli looked far from amused.

“Yes, Bentley, Ellie.” I started to drive back to my house. Eli and I were going to do our homework together.

“No, Eli,” he said.






“Ellie, aw crap never mind,” I ignored them, but couldn’t stop myself from smiling.


6th period. I’m actually going to take Alice’s advice and talk to Edward today about his ‘fear’ of me. I find it really hard to believe that a guy like him could be scared of me.

I walked in and took my seat next to Caroline again. She was adding more orange powder to her face. I wanted to tell her that she already had enough on, but I bit my tongue.

Edward walked in with Bella and I wanted to say something, but stopped. They looked so into each other that I didn’t want to ruin the moment and then it was too late to talk at all because Mr. Harden started class.

I mentally groaned and started taking notes on his lecture over mitosis and such.

“Lovebirds, I’m moving you two,” I looked up and saw Mr. Harden staring at Edward and Bella.

“I’m tired of you two talking during my class. Bella switch seats with Andrea,” What? Me? Bella slowly got her things together and I did the same. I sat down next to Edward and things got even more awkward…

“I’m going to pass out a paper now over the different phases of mitosis. Work on it with your partner or by yourself. It’s due by the end of class.” I wrote my name on the paper and started filling in the blanks. I doubt Edward wanted to work with me. I came to a question and couldn’t think of the answer. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, what was the last one before Cytokinesis?

“It’s Telophase,” I looked over at Edward and saw him staring down at his paper.


“Sure, it looked like you couldn’t remember that one.” The conversation stopped. I took this time to ask him about what Alice said yesterday.

“Are you scared of me?” I asked bluntly. Edward looked at me oddly. I blushed and explained myself.

“You were glaring at me yesterday and I talked to Alice about it. She said you glare at people you’re afraid of and that I should talk to you about it. Are you scared of me?” I rambled on.

Edward laughed. He actually laughed and it was kind of loud too. That made me smile and relax.

“Quiet down!” Mr. Harden scolded us. Edward controlled himself and looked at me, his eyes softer.

“I didn’t mean to glare. I do tend to space out and my face just does that like Bella said. I didn’t mean to give you the wrong idea.” He said with a small smile. I smiled back at him. He wasn’t too bad.

Read Author's Note!
♠ ♠ ♠
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I am working on a Synyster Gates/Brian Haner Jr. Story. I'll probably start posting it next month so all my Brian Haner Jr. fans, this is for you guys! Tell me if you guys want to the story in the comments (: