Status: Complete

I'll Be Your Melody


“So, how long did you live in Boston?” he asked once we were finished with our work. We still have 30 minutes to spare, but Bella was still working with Caroline.

“I was born in Worcester, but moved to Boston when I was 2 and lived there until now. Were you born here?” Edward flashed me a crooked smile and shook his head no.

“I was born in Chicago where Carlisle adopted me. We’ve moved around quite a bit since and now we’re in Forks or the time being. We tend to move because of Carlisle’s job,” he explained.

“I know how you feel. My dad is a doctor and he traveled a lot without us because he didn’t want to “disrupt my childhood”, but now’s he’s all the way in Africa,” I said.

“You said you had a baby brother. How old is he?” Wow, Edward has a good memory.

“He’s a year old; Bentley’s his name. Him and Elijah fight a lot,” I giggled.

“Elijah Collins?” he asked.

“Yeah, he’s the closest friend I have here. I took him home yesterday and he got to meet Bentley. That was an interesting car ride,” I said softly.

“Do you like him?”

“Like him? No, as a friend I do, but only as a friend. Eli is way too hyper and addicted to skittles for me,” I laughed.

“So, I’m going to take a wild guess and say that you’re single,” Edward smirked. I nodded.

“I haven’t had time for a boyfriend with school and taking care of Bentley while my mom works. How long have you and Bella been going out?” I asked.

“I asked her out about a week ago, not long,” he answered.

“Alright class, please turn your work in,” Mr. Harden said from the front of the room. I saw Bella and Caroline stand up and I stood up too.

“I’ll take that for you,” Edward reached for my paper with a small smile.

“Thanks!” I grinned and let him turn in my paper for me while I put everything into my backpack and got ready to leave. The bell would ring any minute now.

Edward and Bella came back over to me holding hands sweetly. I wish I could find a guy like Edward… The bell rang ending class along with my thoughts.

“I’ll see you around, Andii,” Edward said, his melodic voice almost put me in a trance.

“Y-Yeah. See you guys later,” I slung my backpack on my shoulder and quickly left the room. Butterflies swirled around in my stomach and I walked over to where Eli and I meet to go to 7th period.

Andii! Relax! You don’t like Edward! He was just being nice and finally talking to you. Nothing to overact about. If anything then it’s just infatuation and that means nothing.

“Andii, you okay?” I just noticed that Eli was standing in front of me, waving his hand in front of my face quickly.

“Yeah, sorry just got lost in thought,” I said shyly. Eli chuckled and we walked to our next class.


“Alice!” I called and jogged over to where she stood with Jasper by their car. Eli went home with Jaycee like he normally does. The pixie like girl faced me with a smile that almost blinded me.

“Hey Andii!” she said happily.

“Hey, I talked to Edward like you said I should and he laughed at me. Care to explain how Edward isn’t scared of me?” I asked crossing my arms. Jasper smirked a little and Alice laughed softly.

“It was just a tactic to get you two to talk. I don’t want my brother being mean to any of my friends,” she said kindly. I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Well, just to let you know, we did end up talking and he’s actually a pretty nice person. I thought he was mean and cold when I saw him glaring at me yesterday,” I laughed. Alice joined me.

“I’m glad we cleared all that up then,” Edward’s voice filled my ears. I turned around with a smile and saw him behind me with Bella. I said hi to both of them.

“So you two like to gossip about me, huh?” Edward asked showing off his crooked smile like always. Alice and I glanced at each other before we both nodded quickly.

“You two are perfect for each other,” Edward playfully grimaced.

“Andii! Let’s go shopping this weekend!” Alice squealed. A giant smile broke out on my face and I agreed.

“I haven’t been shopping in like a month! I’m dying to go!” Alice grabbed my hands. I noticed hers were cold, but ignored it. She looked me in the eyes seriously.

“I might just be in love with you,” she said calmly, but I cracked up.

“I love you too Alice, but I don’t swing that way. You have Jasper,” She pecked him quickly before returning to the conversation.

“Bella you should come with us too,” I offered facing her. Edward subtly nudged her a little like he was telling her to go, but she looked hesitant.

“Sorry, I don’t really like shopping as much as you two do,” she mumbled and let her hair fall in front of her face. I cocked my head to the side.

“Are you sure? It could be like a girls’ day out and we can hang out and get to know each other,” I said trying to convince her. I didn’t like making plans in front of someone that wasn’t going.

“I'm sure, you go have fun with Alice. Besides, I think I’m already doing some kind of family bonding with my dad,” I smiled at her.

“Okay, but if you change your mind, just call me or Alice,” I gave her my number which then ended up getting passed around the little circle we had formed so now they all had it.

“I have to go now,” I told them after a couple of minutes.

“Why?” Alice asked sadly.

“My mom is probably tired from working and I need to take care of my brother,” I laughed at her expression. She finally let me go and I said bye to everyone before walking over to my X-Terra and hopping in.

I arrived home and found my mom relaxing on the couch still in her scrubs. She smiled at me when I walked in the door.

“How was school?”

“It was actually really good today,”
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