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Only You


I never liked taking risks. Maybe it was because I thought I was safer that way. But whatever the reason, one boy would change all that for me.

Now before we go on, let me introduce myself. I'm Alexia. Certain events have led me to just give my first name. You'll find out about me anyway.

Despite my outcast potential, my appearance makes me stand out. I've got dark blonde hair which is streaked with blonde and red. I have bright green eyes that stand out when I wear purple, which is happening more and more these days. I'm super skinny with a few curves. I wear mostly sweatshirts, t-shirts, skinny jeans and Converses. This makes my tall, skinny figure stand out even more.

I don't do well in school, but no one really notices. I had friends in elementary school, but something changed in middle school. I'm a junior in high school now and still friendless. But one strong-willed boy changed that.

I suppose I should tell you more about this mysterious boy I keep mentioning. His name is William Taylor. He, like me, is invisible.

But in his own way.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this really was just background info, but the story is really good I think.


And yes, Alexia is somewhat based on me.