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Only You

Chapter 2: Come On, Touch Me, Show Me You're Imperfect Too

I couldn't even begin to fathom William's reason for leaving me, if there even was one.

I'd done nothing. I hadn't spoken a word to him at all, until yesterday in the hospital, but any rational human would've reacted the way I had. What are you supposed to say to a guy you've known your entire school career and hadn't spoken to in that time when he's the only one waiting for you to wake up after you were knocked out? I thought I handled it rather well.

Maybe it was afterwards. What was I supposed to do though? He wanted to follow me home and live with me.

Why had he backed away from me when I'd tried to hug him? I mean, I understand that not everyone likes hugging, but couldn't he have said that?

Maybe I had bad breath or body odor. But something that trivial couldn't have caused him to leave.

He'd never missed a day of school before, and suddenly he was never around. It didn't make the smallest shred of sense.

Just the simple fact that he left me was a fresh stab to the heart everytime I thought about it. So why was it still taking over my thoughts?

But, I reasoned, if he moved on, then I should too. If only it was easier done than said.


I drove around town, fruitlessly searching for the strange boy that had called me friend not even twenty-four hours previously. No such luck.

I finally got fed up and went into a tiny store that everyone had been to if they'd lived in this town for at least a month. I approached the counter where Mrs. Norris, a short plump kindly woman with dark graying hair, worked dutifully.

"Mrs. Norris, has William Taylor come in here today?" I asked her.

"William Taylor? I'm afraid I don't know who you're talking about." she replied, looking as if she'd seen a ghost.

"You know, about this tall, brownish hair, dark and brooding type, thin, pale skin. Black eyes that look like he's wearing eyeliner." I described.

"No, I'm sorry, dear." she sighed, the same expression still on her face. Odd. I could've sworn I'd seen him come in a couple times. And if I'd seen him, so had she.

Maybe she was lying. But why would a kindly woman like her lie so pointlessly like that. Things were too weird right now.

I went home after the useless search and saw none other than William, laying on my bed, his arms behind his head as if he'd been laying there the whole time.

"Hello Alexia." he whispered coldly, his tone sending an involuntary chill down my spine, leaving me feeling as if the room's temperature had dropped ten degrees.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: August 28th, 3:30 a.m. by Automatic Loveletter

I have no idea why all the ATL fans I know, or almost all of them anyway, hate Automatic Loveletter, or just hate Juliet Simms. Makes me sad.

Sorry that this was ridiculously short.