One Step Ahead.


My name is Acelyn, and I was born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina. I was your typical high school student with good grades and a healthy party habit. I had my fun, which was good because now there was less of that and more of strategy and fear.

I always loved Alesana, their lyrics were amazing, I mean who would not love them? Well apparently the whole fucking town now that they were murdering everyone. Why don’t the police arrest them if they know who it is? You may ask, well my dear it is not that simple. First off they are nearly impossible to keep tabs on, and you never can know who is going to be next. Unless of course you are me, Trinity, or Ellie, we knew, we always knew.

Why did we not stop it? Well when you are busy keeping yourself from being hacked up with a meat cleaver would you want to go back and save the elderly man and risk your own neck? No, I didn’t think so. It is complicated the emotions you get when you see death happen and don’t help them, but it would be so unfair for more than one person to die. Their death was like taking one for the team, they just did not know they were on a team at all.

“What are you doing?”

I turned and smiled at Ellie who was sitting there with a piece of paper and a mug of what looked like Hot Chocolate. Her brown hair was messy, like she had been running, the red streaks blending in with the brown to make a large colossal mess of color.

“Thinking, what is the paper?” I replied and she tossed it to me.

“I found this at their house.”

I gasped and my eyes nearly bugged out of my eyes. Sure we had been to their house several times, but we never went without some sort of back up. That was doom waiting to happen. “Relax would you Trinity went with me. It was okay, they weren’t even awake.”

“They were in the fucking house?” I practically screamed and she laughed. I had always been more of the uptight one, as far back as I could remember. We had grown up around each other; our families were the kind that liked to force their children into friendships so they could drop their kids of at play dates and have some fun. But that did not mean they always liked each other. But then again, nothing makes you become friends faster than a mass murder spree.

There was a time where both girls were different from me. I was the prep from school, the one with her head so high in the clouds she drowned a little bit when it started to rain. I snubbed people all the time, but I was not like that anymore. Reality has a weird way of smacking the shit out of you at weird times, and that time for me was when Shawn and his gang had come back.

It had been a badass party that night. I had been there with a friend. That was also the night that I lost my family, because while I had been dancing with Dennis, Peezee and Shane had been out taking everything from me. I was not sure why it had been my family that had been the first victims, maybe it was because I was a bitch, I could never know.

The cops had thought it was an isolated incident because they did not immediately kill again. I think that was their taster. The water test if you will. That was the day I sort of lost it. My blonde hair went black, my clothes even darker. I was in mourning, not only on the outside but in every part of my soul. It had really been Trinity and Ellie that picked me up off of the ground. It was unspoken when they began to kill again that we were going to stop them. But somewhere along those lines it changed from revenge to simply wanting to stay alive.

We would stay one step ahead because if we didn’t we would die.

“You should read it. It has your name on it.” Trinity said appearing at Ellie’s side. Her hair stuck out much more than Ellie’s. It was the same brown coloring, but she had the brightest white and blue streaks that I had ever seen in my life. My black hair paled in comparison to the others. The girls were a lot alike, both possessed piercing, Trinity had her snakebites and Ellie had her septum and ears. I was allergic to metal. I had to have the shitty end of the piercings stick. But they varied at the same time. Trinity was crazy tall, about five eleven, where as Ellie was about five foot tall. She was the one we always sent through windows. Her height was convenient. Mine was somewhere in the middle, near five four. Nothing special, but useful in ways as well. Both girls had hazel eyes, leaving her out of the group with her bright blue ones, but that was okay, because her eyes might not match theirs but her heart did. All she wanted was her chance at life, and it was not all that simple anymore…
“Does it?” I asked and they nodded and handed me the paper. It was probably the discussion of my death. They had not been happy with only my parents, they wanted me too. It had been said before; it was bound to be said again. I was tired of worrying about it.

Acelyn. Black hair. Blue eyes. Hates meat, likes vegetables. Adores Peter Powder Donuts. Orders three coffee’s one with sugar, one black, and one with something I can never tell. Sarcastic. Smart and terribly alert. Need to watch out for her. She is bad for this. Unless…Can we get her to join us?

I tossed the paper down on the table. “What the fuck is this? Is whoever fucking stalking me? And if they are, why am I not dead? Who is this? Where did you find it?”

The girls shuffled their feet and I sighed. “Shawn?” They nodded.

‘Fucking great. Rockstar crush comes back to haunt me, kills my family, and then stalks me? I am so fucking over this.’ I thought to myself and placed my head in my hand. I was not sure why they had to come back here and do this shit. What happened to the guys I used to know? I mean sure they are much older than me, me being twenty and all and them thirty, but should that not mean they were more mature?

“What do you want me to do with it?” Trinity asked and I sighed. How they thought I would join them stunned me. Why would I do that? I mean eventually they too would have to die. They could not keep this up forever. Why would I spend my time killing and preserving my life until they extinguished themselves when I could run and live? I had thought about it before. The thought had crossed my mind more than once in the last year, but I had always dismissed it. I just wanted to live…

“Fucking burn the shit. I am going to bed.”

I stood up and made my way upstairs watching the two girls exchange looks before pulling out their lighters and beginning to burn the piece of paper.

“You are such a fucking thorn in my side Milke.” I muttered as I got in my room.

“Good to know.” I turned my head and squinted into the darkness and slowly the frame of the person came into view and I smiled before opening my mouth to scream…
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Sorry the intro chapter is not that good. It will get better.
: )