One Step Ahead.


I woke up to a grunt. Someone had grunted in my ear. It was the most annoying sound to ever wake up to besides the alarm clock and if I did not know I would die if I hit someone I would kick some ass right about now.

“House meeting.” Peezee said and I smiled and stood up. He had yet to make me hate him, and I was generally a morning person, so I willingly sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes before standing up and following him down the steps.

They were all sitting around drinking. I knew Shawn was drinking tea. As I approached he smiled and I could not help but return it. All things aside he had been rather friendly to me. I mean I had thrown up all over his floor and bathroom and all he had done was rubbed my back and held back my hair. I would have made his ass clean it up.

“Good morning. Everyone say hi to Acelyn, the newest member to our pack.” Shawn said and I waved half heartedly at everyone. They of course, all muttered their hellos. Except for Jeremy who was eyeing me like I was a yo-yo he expected the string to snap on.

“Hey.” I said and they all turned their attention to Dennis. Apparently he was like the house mother. The thought of him in a sun dress floated back and I shut my eye and tried desperately to get them to go away. Apparently these things where serious and laughing at a Dennis image would not go over well.

“So, now that we have her on our side I think it is safe to assume the others need to die. We need to take out the strongest first. I have to say I think the strongest of all is Ellie.”

The contents of my stomach that had not left last night threatened to make an appearance but I took a deep breath in.

“I would have to disagree. I think that bitch Trinity is the strongest. The chain is only as strong as the weakest link and that is Ellie. We do not need to worry about her. We need to worry about Trinity.” Jeremy said, his tone slightly off key, his stare never breaking away from me. He was eyeing me, judging my reaction to my friend’s death sentence.

“I would have to agree. Trinity is much stronger than Ellie. She would be the first one you need to kill.” I agreed and Jeremy smiled and looked away, however my relief was short living as Shane’s eyes took Jeremy’s place.

“Okay then. Shawn you need to go into town today with us. Jeremy and Acelyn, I need you to go watch our next victim.” Dennis said and everyone nodded and stood up. I thought Shane was going to keel over and vomit himself as he stood.

“Come on puppet.” Jeremy said and I nodded and followed him to the door. “Now, keep your mouth shut today. Not a single word from you unless it is ‘cop’ do you get that? No warning your little friends, no calling anyone. Nothing.” I nodded knowing today was a fairly important test. If I blew it I blew every chance of survival I had. Dennis had put me with Jeremy for a reason; he was the most sociopathic of all of them.

“That’s fine lets go.” I said, finally happy that Shawn’s pajamas could double as clothing.

The woods were dense, and I was not sure where I was. I was not like Ellie who walked everywhere. If it was not connected to me via road I didn’t go there, finding this place had been hard enough. Thankfully I was with Jeremy, whom I suspected was the reason for all the corpses out in the middle of nowhere…

“She is at work now. She has day shift today.” I provided and he nodded patting me on the head and walked in front of me.

“So, why are you here?” He asked as though we were going to have lunch and not stalk my best friend.

“I want to live. That is it, and if I have to kill to do so I will.” I provided leaving out the double agent part. I was not lying… I wanted to live.

“You know killing is really not that bad. It can be really enjoyable. The way the blood spills out, it puts you over people. It gives you power that you cannot find anywhere else. You get to call the shots. They can cry and beg all they want but you still hold the power. It is a feeling, a rush like no other. Really you should try it, instead of bartering a kiss for a death. I mean I kill people, but you are just as bad.”

“How do you figure?” I asked and he laughed.

“You see people dying, you know who is next. We are about to go stalk your friend who is going to die, and yet you do nothing to stop it. Sounds to me like you are just a big a monster as I am.” I swallowed the mass of saliva that had accumulated at the base of my throat and ignored the truth in his words.

We approached a park and I smiled at the older couple standing there holding hands and Jeremy laughed and slid something in my hand. I looked down and laughed. This was so typical. A blade sat there, shining from the light and I tossed my head back and stared at the clouds.

“Okay.” I said and he nodded and we made our way over to the couple. He nodded at me and I knew I was going to have to lure them away from one another. “Excuse me ma’am I was wondering if I could get your help with something in the rest room. See I am getting dressed and cannot raise my zipper and well my brother here refuses to help.”

She nodded and kissed her husband on the cheek and I cringed. This was so sick, and yet I felt a tinge of satisfaction in my gut. She stood up and I walked towards the bathroom and walked through the doors.

The moment I entered I looked around for anyone. There was nobody there, nobody who could possibly help me rid myself of this inevitable horror.

“Where is your dress dear?” She asked, suddenly fearful. She had spotted the metal hiding in my sleeve. But then again, if she was a native as I assumed she was, she would know it could be for protection. “You know dear, maybe I should not help you, I mean my hands shake and such…” I shook my head, this was going to be one of those days.

“Shut the fuck up, you are not going anywhere. I don’t want to hear you say a fucking thing, not a fucking sound. I even hear you breathe and I will slit your fucking throat. Do you get me?” I said. I was channeling my inner Alesana and slammed her against the wall with my knife at the base of her throat.

“Hey Acelyn.” I turned and smiled as Jeremy walked in. He was right, this was a rush in the worst way possible. My heart was beating, and my stomach was turning, but I had never been more happy.

He had the man in the back, his knife was slowly sinking into the mans skin. “He wanted to die with his lady.” He shrugged as I looked at him.

“Oh well then, it would be a shame for them to not go together.” I exclaimed and he nodded and together we slit their throat. The moment the body slid down the wall I cried. I had officially crossed the barrier between being a monster and a human being with moral issues.

“Lets go.” Jeremy said and I nodded taking a few steps away. It was odd, they had died at least ten feet apart, and yet, as they fell lifeless their hands still managed to find one another.

“There may be some hope for you after all.” He said and I nodded as we ran towards the gamestop.


She was there, stocking shelves with a lazy smile on her face. Jeremy sat back smiling. We were in the shop across the road, we could see her, but not the other way around.

“So why not Ellie? You know as well as I do she is the strongest. What the hell gives?” I asked nonchalantly and he laughed.

“Wise girls don’t ask questions. You may be Shawn’s little girl of the month but you are not mine. Don’t tread on dangerous territory if you cannot navigate your way around.” He warned and I sighed. I did not know what bothered me more, the fact he was an ass, or he called me Shawn’s girl of the month.

“Go talk to her.” He commanded and I nodded. I did not want to be on his bad side with a fuck up like that already counting against me.

I crossed the street and entered the gaming store and made my way to the back. “Hey skankers.” I said and she jumped.

“Acelyn, oh my gosh. What the hell? I thought you were going to come home. Dude what the fuck are you wearing? Did you-“ I shook my head and she sighed in relief.

“Look, I cannot stay long, but watch what you are doing. Do not say or do anything weird, but please, watch your back.” I pleaded with her, afraid to say what I really needed to.

“Okay. I need to go anyway, I have plans.” She said and I cocked my head. “None of your business.” She said immediately and I growled. I sounded like Jeremy. I felt like Jeremy.

I nodded and left, pissed off she would not tell me. Like I really was the enemy now. What was her problem…

Jeremy met me at the door and together we walked out of the door, but not before I noticed out of the corner of my eye Shane waiting in the alleyway, a rose in hand and a smile on his face.

“We need to hurry up and get back.” I said and he nodded.

“Why?” He said after a moment.

“I need to talk to Shawn about something I think needs to be taken care of before it becomes to much to fast.”

“And that would mean what exactly?”

I looked at him and shook my head. “That is for me, Shawn, and Shane to discuss.” I said as we strolled down the road with bloody knives and manic smiles. Me and him were going to be good friends I just knew it…
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