Status: Enjoy, this is the same as one of my other stories, but I'm rewriting it and posting it under a different name.

Potter Times Two

Born only moments before her brother Harry, Lily Potter is his complete opposite, brave and bold, it was never a doubt that she would be placed in Gryffindor.
With her three friends, Emily, Saryn and Hermione, Lily picks up with the mischief that her father left behind when he graduated. Leading a new band of marauders, Lily deals with daily detentions, dozens of trouble making opportunities, secrets she shouldn't know, and a certain Diggory's older brother driving her crazy.
Here's our cast;

-Saryn Malfoy: Draco's twin sister, a Slytherin who doesn't exactly fit the mold, with a little encouraging from Lily, she opens up to friends from other houses, even though she's still considered the Slytherin queen bee just because of her last name. One of the few second generation marauders who is more open to using her cunning nature for pranks. White blond curls, a huge amount of evil in a smaller then average body.

-Emily Diggory: Three years younger then her brother Cedric, Emily is a very kind Hufflepuff who is probably the marauder who is least comfortable with pulling pranks, Lily slowly makes her more open to causing trouble, she lives to annoy her brother, although she gets stressed easily, she's one of the most amazing Quidditch players you will ever meet. Has golden straight hair, and is tall and skinny.

-Hermione Granger: The only marauder without siblings, the smart and careful marauder is Ravenclaw, unlike the other marauders who are changed by Lily, it's her job to make Lily learn that safety, is not overrated. Although insistent that they shouldn't 'cause trouble, when she does open her mouth, her prank ideas are some of the best.

-Laura Longbottom: Neville's cousin, if Neville had been chosen by the prophecy, she would have taken the position of Lily. One of Lily's dorm mates, who will occasionaly help the marauders with their pranks. Although black haired and pale like her brother, she's considered one of the gryffindor beauties.

-The Weasley family: Goofy as always, all but Percy have been dragged into a prank by the marauders at least once by the end.

-Padma and Parvati Patil: Two more of Lily's dorm mates, they are the only Gryffindors who understand quite how annoying it is to have a twin, aside from the Weasley twins.

-Luna Lovegood: Another dorm mate of Lily's, she probably listens to more of Lily's problems then anyone else, simply because she never pays enough attention to be able to remember any of Lily's secrets.

-Pansy Parkinson: Obsessed with pleasing the Malfoy family, she practically worships the ground Draco and Saryn walk on, when one of Saryn's best friends, Lily, takes a disliking to her, influencing Saryn's opinion, she vows to have revenge on Lily, which she probably won't ever get around to.

-Lavender Brown: The last of Lily's dorm mates, she will do practically anything to please Lily after blundering their introductions, only willing to step out of line when Lily is not there, but Lily hears about everything...

-Draco Malfoy: Saryn's twin brother, cunning and twisted, has an odd semi-obsession with Lily.

-Harry Potter: Lily's twin brother who's main goal in life is to keep her from destroying Hogwarts.

-Cedric Diggory: Emily's older brother, Although he too makes a bad first impression on Lily, he redeems himself quickly, he becomes very important to Lily, but she has to grow up before she realizes just how important he is.

-Lily Potter: Surrounded by people important to her, she continues to grow and change, physically she resembles her mother, with her father's eyes
  1. The Sorcerer's Stone.
    Meet Lily.
  2. The Sorcerer's Stone.
    The train
  3. The Sorcerer's Stone.
    The school
  4. The Sorcerer's Stone.
    Breakfast with the Slytherins