Status: Active!!! :D

Broken Hearted

Chapter Eight

I tried to push the thought out of my mind when I saw Shaun today. I had been, for the most part, avoiding him for the last week since we kissed. I felt horrible for kissing him, even more horrible that Ashley had no idea any of it happened. Shaun kept putting off and I felt like I was going to explode with guilt very soon.

“Alison, we need to go.” My agent urged as I finished getting ready to go on national television.

Luckily it wasn’t anybody like Oprah or Rachel Ray, but it was Ellen, and I would be with all of my friends, including Shaun.

My agent had contacted me earlier in the week telling me Ellen wanted to do a whole two hour special to commemorate the Olympics, and plus some. So not only would it be Shaun, Scotty and me; Mason was joining along as well.

“Alright, let’s go.” I replied as we started making our way to the entrance of the stage.

It was almost time for my interview, she had started off interviewing Mason, then Scotty, then Shaun, and now it was my turn.

“Alright kid, just have fun, and no swearing.” He laughed as the audience started clapping, signaling that we were back from commercials.

I heard Ellen say my name and I knew it was time for me to go on once they started playing Miley Cyrus’, Party In The U.S.A.

I rolled my eyes and shot my agent an evil glare before I walked onto the set, waving to everyone and I could see my friends laughing at the song of choice.

I quickly gave Ellen a hug before I sat down on the couch next to Shaun.

“Shut up you guys.” I mumbled as the song finished.

“Aw, don’t like the song, Alison?” Scotty laughed, causing the audience and Ellen to laugh along.

“No, I detest Miley Cyrus, you know that.” I replied.

“No more Miley, we promise.” Ellen laughed. “Anyway, welcome to the show,” Ellen started as I nodded my head as a thank you, “So, you just won gold at the Olympics for Woman’s halfpipe, right?”

“Ya, dude, it’s unreal. ‘Cause I remember an interview I did right after I had won the X-Games a while ago, and the interviewer asked if I was going to go for gold in the Olympics for snowboarding, and I totally shot down the idea.” I laughed.

“Thank God you went for it then, huh? I mean, you won it so easily, it was like you had no competition.”

“It’s ‘cause I didn’t have any.” I joked, “No, but it wasn’t too bad, I mean, most of the girls fell anyway, y’know what I mean? So it wasn’t too bad.” I replied.

“The falls weren’t too bad though.”

“Nah, definitely not, it was just, they had the trick, but they didn’t stick the landing and they fell, y’know, which always sucks, ‘cause you’re super pumped you got the trick, then super bummed because you didn’t have the landing.”

“Well luckily no one got hurt.”

“Ya, but even if someone did, I don’t think anyone could ever beat my wipeout I had back when I was, like, 15.” I laughed, referring to my crash at my first ever X-Games.

“You crashed? I refuse to believe it.” Mason laughed.

“Believe what you will, but when I crashed it landed me in a coma for two days, so it was brutal.”

“What happened?” Ellen asked.

“Oh um, well it was my first ever X-Games, right? And I was trying a trick I had been practicing, I can’t remember what it was now, but it was gnarly in my opinion at the time, but it’s clearly not anymore. Anyway, what had happened was I took off on my skateboard and I knew I had enough air, but something felt off and I crashed. I bashed my spine off the lip of the vert ramp, then when I slid down I bashed my head really bad off the lip, and luckily I was on the edge really of the ramp, so when I threw up, I threw up on the side. There was blood in my vomit too, I felt the need to kinda add that.” I laughed, “I’m sure there’s a Youtube video up or something.” I joked.

“Ya, we’ve found it apparently.” Ellen stated before they rolled the clip.

“Dude, you’re so little.” Mason laughed as they showed me going up the ramp, before I fell harshly onto the ramp, causing everyone to ‘ooh’ in pain. Then they showed me laying motionless on the ramp before I took off my helmet and moved over to puke over the side of the ramp before I fell unconscious and into a coma.

“Ya, there’s me vomiting, that’s gonna get me all the guys, attractive.” I stated sarcastically.

“Dude, that was you?!” Scotty asked in disbelief.

“I remember that crash! That was gnarly, I remember feeling so sorry for you.” Shaun exclaimed.

“What exactly happened?” Ellen asked, slightly in shock.

“Oh um, when I hit my spine on the ramp, it caused, like, a nerve or something to get pinched in between my spine, but I also hit it so powerfully that I started to bleed internally, and when I bashed my head, it cracked my skull and gave me this hardcore migraine thing. So when I hit the bottom, ‘cause I had a nerve pinched in between my spine, it triggered my body to empty all of the contents from my stomach, and I also threw up blood because I was bleeding internally right, and because I bashed my head and was bleeding so much it threw me into a coma for two days. It was not fun.”

“I’d imagine.”

“Ya, when I woke up from my coma I had to take a year off from competing to relearn absolutely everything I knew. So that blew hardcore, because I knew a lot of stuff, and taking a year off to relearn it all gets really frustrating, like, I’m still frustrated now, because I know a lot more now, but imagine how much better I could be now if I hadn’t gone into that coma, y’know?”

“You have any battle scars?” Mason joked.

“Oh ya.” I smiled as I stood up and lifted my shirt, “I have a huge scar all along my stomach pretty much, and then I have a pretty gnarly scar up my back.” I replied as I turned around to show my back, before sitting back down. “Of course you can’t see ‘em too well, ‘cause my tattoos are covering ‘em up pretty good.” I laughed.

“Ya, you’re pretty much covered when it comes to tattoos.” Ellen laughed.

“It was so weird seeing her, face-to-face for the first time in three years. ‘Cause I remember here before all the tattoos, and now I don’t think there’s an inch of her body that isn’t tattooed.” Shaun laughed.

“I think they’re gnarly. They don’t mean anything, but they’re pretty sick. Like, I can see myself, an old lady just cruising on my motorized wheelchair with all my tattoos. Y’know, people well yell at me, saying I’m going too fast, and I’ll be like, ‘do you know who I am? I won an Olympic gold medal before you were even born!’” I laughed, shaking my fist.

“I can see it.” Scotty laughed.

“Your tattoos landed you an ad with PETA though, right?” Ellen asked as a photo of me became showed up on the little TV.

It was basically me, with no shirt or bra, with my back faced to the camera, showing off my tattoos.

“Ya, it was for an anti-fur campaign; the whole ‘Ink, not mink’ thing. Tommy Lee actually did an ad like this too. So did Carey Hart, so that was pretty rad.”

“So, are you a vegetarian, vegan..?”

“Vegetarian all the way.” I smiled, “I considered going vegan, but being a competitive snowboarder and skateboarder while being a vegetarian is hard enough. I mean, I travel a lot so it’s kinda hard to find food with no meat, so me being vegan would be next to impossible. I mean, most of the week I have to survive off Burger King veggie burgers, which isn’t too healthy, and then I have a peanut butter sandwich or something for lunch. Plus, I really enjoy chocolate, and ice cream, and hot chocolate too much to give it up.” I laughed.

“I’d imagine keeping up vegetarianism would be hard as an athlete.”

“It definitely is, I mean, it really can be, but it’s not impossible. Y’know, I hear people constantly telling me they can’t go vegetarian because they have an iron deficiency, or the lack of vitamins or whatever, but that’s bull. Lacking iron? All right; eat an egg and some peanut butter, take some supplement pills. Y’know, I do. I take a supplement pill everyday and I’m fine. There’s no excuse anymore to not be vegetarian anymore. Like, some people just say we need to, well clearly not if I’m alive and haven’t touched meat in 6,7 years.” I stated, getting a round of applause for being a vegetarian for so long.

“You’re boyfriend is a vegetarian too, right?”

“Oh ya, Oliver, eh does his own thing with PETA too, actually he has a clothing; Drop Dead, and he made a shirt where, something like half the profits go to PETA. I have it actually, it says ‘meat sucks’ in huge colored letters. And then he did an ad too, an interview, and talked about KFC. Like, the only one in the band that does eat meat is Lee. Oliver and Matt are vegetarians, Jona’s a vegan, and Vegan’s a pescetarian.”

“You’d imagine him to be a vegan as well.” Ellen laughed.

“You’d think, right?” I laughed.

“Oliver has quite the collection of tattoos too.” Ellen laughed.

“Ya, but he started getting them done at, like, 15. My parents weren’t too ecstatic to meet him.” I laughed.

“With both of your popularity, isn’t it hard to find time together?”

“Definitely, we’re hardly ever in the same continent. He’s always off in the U.K. writing music, recording, y’know, what rockstars do, while I’m here or off in Japan or wherever training. It’s definitely tough, but you get used to it I supposed. The Youtube videos are funny though, the one’s fans make.” I laughed.

“Do they make like, anti-girlfriend videos?” Mason laughed.

“Dude, you have no idea, they like, want to kill me. It’s so bad. They’ll make these weird slideshows and then proceed to call me these profanities that I clearly can’t repeat, and it’s like ‘dude, you don’t me. I got over this stuff in high school, what’s your deal?’ y’know? I think that only really happens to girls. Y’know, I don’t see any about Shaun and his girlfriend, but the comments girls leave on his videos are insane.” I laughed.

“What do they say?” Shaun asked, clearly out of the loop and confused.

“Dude, they, like, call dibs on you. Then some get angry and are like, ‘I saw him first!’ and then one proposes to share, like every other day, then another one complains about not wanting to share you and that they want your children. It’s jokes. And some, it’s like they own you sexually. It’s kinda weird, but really funny.”

“All right, so we’re almost out of time, but I have one more question for you Alison.” Ellen started.

“Shoot.” I smiled.

“As much as you may act like a guy, or so we’ve heard, you’re still a girl at heart, so there has to be some guys you find attractive, so who, besides the guys sitting next to you, do you find attractive?” Ellen laughed.

“In snowboarding?” I asked; Ellen nodded her head, “Dude, I can’t say.” I joked.

“No, I want to know, I’m interested to hear this.” Scotty said, leaning in closer.

“Well, aside from Scotty,” I joked, “Um, Mikkel Bang is pretty attractive, I mean, with a last name like that, you’ve gotta be attractive.” I laughed, “Sorry, totally out of line, I’ve gotta keep it classy, I forgot.” I laughed, causing everyone else to laugh, “Kevin Pearce too, he’s a cutie.”

“Do you only like the blondes, and the people in our crew?” Mason joked.

“Well, yes and no. Danny Davis is attractive, look at Scotty, he’s a cutie, Shaun’s a cutie, I clearly don’t care about hair color, ‘cause I’ve got blondes, redheads, and brunettes; but Kevin is the winner.” I joked.

“Anyway, thank all of you guys for being here, and maybe we’ll see you guys in 2014. Good bye everyone!” Ellen exclaimed before we all stood up and made our way backstage.

“Do you really think those guys are attractive?” Shaun asked, almost as if he were worried and should care.

“Yes, they’re attractive, but it doesn’t mean I want them.” I replied.

Shaun sighed and a look of relief washed over him, and he almost instantly tensed up when my agent walked up next to us.

“You guys are in a huge pile of shit.” He stated.

“What? Why?” I asked, completely confused before he shoved a magazine in my face.

I looked at him oddly before looking at the front cover of the magazine, where Shaun and I were on the cover sitting on surfboards and kissing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooooh, if you predicted drama, YOU GET A FREE COOKIE!!!! :D

Thank you all soooooooooooooooo much for commenting and such, again, I appreciate it immensely, I really really do :)

So enjoy this chapter and keep up with the commenting yo :) haha