Status: In progress

The Academy

I. Practice

Harlow shut her eyes and let out a deep breath. Why couldn’t she ever get this one right? There was something about the remote that made it so no matter how hard she tried; her telekinesis could NOT move it. It was really frustrating.
Lying back on her bed, Harlow blinked and her fan turned on. Practicing her power always made her temperature rise.
A raspy voice came over the announcements, telling her and the other hundreds of students at this school that free practice was over. Harlow stretched and looked about the room. Ugh, I really should paint this. Blue is so last year. All over her side of the room, school papers, binders and clothes were strewn. Twisting around, she glanced at her roommate’s side. Clean, neat, and organized. That was her roommate, Tally Black. Tally was the school gossip, if you wanted juicy secrets to rip on your enemy, she was your girl. Hell, Tally had secrets on everyone, probably even Harlow. So much for roommate confidentiality. Everyone technically was supposed to be in their rooms for free practice, but, as usual, Tally wasn’t around. Probably off somewhere with that eight armed kids tongue shoved down her throat.
Sighing, Harlow got up and with raising one finger, her clothes, papers and binders put themselves away. There, much better. Walking out the door, she was met with a high-pitched scream.
“AHHH, fuck, Daisy’s at it again!” Harlow got up from covering her ears, and looked to see her best friend, Valerie Williams, cursing up a storm in Daisy’s direction.
“Hey Val, if I didn’t know any better I’d say my grandma was in the house,” Harlow laughed. “How was talking to the dead?” Valerie, or Val as everyone but the teachers called her, had very unique abilities. She was a very dark person, had curly black hair, dark purple eyes, and she was extremely pale. She was sort of like a witch, except she was classified as a mutant. She could communicate with spirits, she could fly, and she also had this crazy ability to be able to heal small wounds, just by waving her hand over them. A few years ago, Harlow had had an accident that had left her with three serious gashes in her legs, she was losing a lot of blood. Val just came up to Harlow, without even knowing her, and healed her gaping wounds. Since then, they’d been best friends.
“Oh, same old same old. Grandpa’s sure getting a laugh stealing people’s dentures in the underworld, but nothing too exciting.” Val smiled. “And moving shit around with your mind?” Ugh. Awful. Harlow sighed,” It’s going great, I moved everything around in my room. Tally’s gonna flip.” Harlow could tell Val anything, and vice-versa, but she didn’t feel like explaining how something as small as a remote was stumping her, while she could lift the whole damn school if she wanted to.
“Speaking of which, where is that whore? I’ve got a bone to pick with her since she told the whole school I was preggo with Mr. Richards baby. Stupid fucking slut.” Harlow smiled. Gotta love Val. No one’s gonna start anything with her around. Just then came another high pitched scream. Daisy, the source of the screaming, came running by Harlow and Val, shouting something along the lines of “He looked at me! He looked at me!” Daisy is one of three “flower powers”, as they have dubbed themselves. If this were any normal school, Daisy would be head cheerleader, royal bitch and all. Probably THE most annoying girl at our school, and to top it all off she has the most annoying power, supersonic screaming. Ugh.
Val and Harlow quickly exchange a look. “Riiight, okay so let’s get to class before Mr. Richards shits a brick.” Together they made their way down the girl’s hallway and into their classroom, while looking at the pictures on the wall of hundreds of successful freaks to attend this school before them. Now the pressure’s on for us to do the same, then maybe mom will let me come home.