My Worried Shoes.

ties knots in the laces.

Turning over in the sheets, his back faced Yugi, who was lost in his dreams. Strands of blonde fell into Yami’s eyes that craved sleep, as his whole body did, as his thoughts ran away from him, slipping through his fingers with the ease of rope sliding from a weak grip his hands held. The sheets slid an inch or two closers to his hips as he rubbed his ankles together out of habit, sighing softly.

Shifting slightly, Yugi’s hands moved and his fingertips gently brushed against Yami’s bare back, causing him to physically shiver, though the sensation was the equivalent to butterflies brewing in his stomach.

Curling into a ball, he still felt the ends of Yugi’s fingers against his skin, curled naturally in their limp position. He blinked, surprised but still sleepily dazed, as he heard Yugi’s voice break into the silent night air of their room.

“Yami?” he softly spoke the older’s name, unsure completely if he were awake. “You’re still up?”

Not turning to face the other, Yami answered him, his voice the same volume as the other. “I’m awake, Yugi.”

Moving his hands, his fingertips ghosted over Yami’s bare skin, his touch as gentle and comforting as his tone. “What’s wrong?” He sensed something was troubling Yami, seeing as normally he slept as much as a baby.

He didn’t answer him right away. Instead, a breath escaped him, audible since the room was otherwise peaceful. “Nothing,” he murmured, softly. Yami turned onto his other side, facing Yugi, whose expression was shown to be a mixture of concern that melted in with his sleep-ridden eyes. Mustering a smile, his hand found Yugi’s, his fingers curling around the other’s gently. “Nothing.”