Habitual Memories

Rabid Dog

The freezing air whipped around Rodeo, and my nose curled in disgust. Chilled spring air rushed all around me, causing my small frame to wrap itself in the cotton even further. Hood thrown up carelessly over my head, I glanced at Eddy.

“When the hell is she going to get here?!” my impatient voice rang throughout the neighborhood, and I tugged on my black hair a bit. The spikes deflated in my hands, and my nose crinkled in more disgust. I was sure the eyeliner that had been statically placed along my eyes was already smeared, thanks to the heavy downpour that had occurred just moments before.

All of this for a new drug deal that Eddy was hooking up. Garth sat next to him, looking more patient than ever in the freezing cold. To me, this wasn’t worth it. However, Eddy was my source of entertainment, and I wasn’t about to let it go. After all, I got all of my drugs at a highly discounted price.

And in a city where drugs were high and real lives were low, I’d take that discount. Drugs had been my escape for as long as I could count. Moving to Rodeo when I was fourteen, my now seventeen-year-old body had developed a delicious craving for the sweet nectar. Jimmy from the town over had first introduced us, but son of a bitch, drugs were amazing.

Glancing up, I caught form of a slender girl walking towards us, umbrella held high over her head. My clothes stuck and soaked to me, and as I stared her down, I was determined to hate her just for the fact that she was still dry. She stopped in front of us, a smile on her delicate features. A snarl ripped past my lips, and Eddy chuckled. “Down Christian.”