

Hello, my name is Ronnie and I am a cancer patient.

I was about 13 when I was diagnosed with cancer. I didn’t know what to think I just thought that I was going to die young. Mum told me that I could get over it with this stuff at the hospital called chemotherapy. I was so scared that I was going to have to give up school and my friends that I hid in the tree in the back yard for five and half hours just thinking what to tell all my friends. How to tell them? Especially after my dad just moved out. Everyone will think that I am so unlucky.

On Monday, my best friend was the first to find out about it. Her name is Olivia Bay and we have been friends since second grade when she first got to Adelaide. We just hugged for about 20 minutes. When we finally stopped and talked to each other, all she could do was cry and tell me that she would be there at the hospital every day that I was and would never tell anyone who I didn’t want to know. The second person to find out was my teacher Ms Jan. she understood everything.

The chemotherapy is a horrible thing; they take blood and put you on a drip. The needle goes into my arm; I hate needles so that was hard. I do have a piercing but the needle wasn’t in for that long this in for like four hours. I don’t understand why I can’t have the pill they have pills for everything these days.

Christ, they do have a pill I just can’t have it DAMIT.

About two weeks later, my skin started to go a light yellow. When I was in the shower washing my hair, I went to squish the suds out of my hair and pulled out a big clump of hair. I almost fainted at the sight of my hair not on my head but in my hand. I dropped to the ground and cried till mum knocked on the door and asked what was wrong. ‘Are you okay dear?’ she said obviously knowing that I wasn’t alright. I turned the water off, rapt my towel around my waist and unlocked the door, still holding the clump of hair in my hand. I had longish black hair that would finish at the top of my neck I had one long blonde streak that finished a bit longer then the black hair. But now I have a bold spot the size of my fist. ‘Why me?’ I ask mum with a tear running down my face. After I put my clothes on and find an old beanie that is a bit too small for my head I call Olivia.

‘Hello this is the Bay residence Olivia speaking.’