
chap 2

‘Hi Oli, its Ronnie.’
‘Oh hi, what’s up bub?’
‘I just lost a clump of hair the size of my fist.’
‘Oh my god. Are you okay? Did it hurt? I am coming over right now.’
‘Okay um see you soon.’ There was no point trying to tell her not to come she would come anyway and it would just start an argument. Olivia only lives over the road so she was only 5 minutes.


‘Who is it?’ mum said nicely
‘It’s me Olivia.’
‘Oh hi darling how are you this evening?’
‘I’m fine um do you know where Ronnie is?’
‘He is up stairs in his bedroom love.’
‘Thanks.’ She got half way up the stairs when mum asked
‘Do you want to stay for dinner love?’
‘Yes thanks Bonnie. Ronnie are you awake or what?’
‘Yes I am.’
‘Are you descent or…..’But I cut her off.
‘YES I am.’
‘Hey, are you okay or do you need chocolate and ice-cream?’
‘I need chocolate but no ice-cream it gives me brain freeze.’
‘Okay then, well I just knows you too well.’ She said as she pulled a handful of chocolate bars out of the bag she had under her arm.
‘Yes you do, did you get……’but this time I was cut off by Olivia.
‘Yes I bought the cherry ripe and the crunchy don’t worry.’
‘Thankyou. Lub ya.’
‘OO that’s so sweet. Now eat up you need the chocolate.’ So they just ate the chocolate until it was all gone. Then mum brought up dinner for us.
‘What’s for dinner mum?’
‘Pizza love your fave. It’s meat lovers and supreme with pineapple.’
‘Thanks mum love you.’ So Olivia and Ronnie sat up and stuffed their faces with pizza.
‘Are you going to go to school or are you gonna stay at home?’
‘I will probably just go to school, no point in missing out on my education just coz I don’t have hair.’
‘You are so brave. Do you think you’ll get teased about it?’
‘Most probably.’ we just sat there and listened to music for about an hour. At 10:35 I realised that Olivia had fallen asleep next to me, with her head on my shoulder. I just wrapped my arm around her and let her sleep. Ten minutes later mum walked up to find both of us asleep. So she walked over and tapped me on the shoulder.
‘Sweetie, does Olivia want to sleep over? I have already called her mum, she said its okay. Put her in bed and then you get some sleep to, you have had a rough day.’
‘Okay mum. Thanks, love you.’
‘Goodnight love.’ So he did, he picked up Olivia and put her down gently on the bed and placed a sheet over her. Then he jumped in next to her.