Sequel: Fall to Pieces.
Status: One Shot(:

Picture Perfect Memories, Scattered All Around The Floor

I'd Rather Hurt Than Feel Nothing At All


Another day; another day without him. We fought all the time, since he has been gone there is a constant nagging in my soul, part of me was missing. I can still remember the fight that caused the breakup...

“Zachary James, get your ass over here now, what hell were thinking?!” I yelled, throwing a local tabloid at him, which had him, kissing another girl and hanging all over her at a club.

“Adri babe chill out, it was nothing,” he calmly tried to reason.

“Zack, you cannot honestly look at me and tell me that was nothing,” I said.

“Adrianna listen to me, that was taken when I was past drunk, over in London or somewhere, I love you,” he tried to place a hand on my shoulder to comfort me, before the water works started.

“No Zacky, I believed you some many times before, this is the last,” I stated simply not even showing my emotions that were threatening to bubble to the surface an minute.

“Adri you don’t mean it you are just upset,” he started to say but I cut him off.

“Like hell I don’t mean it, I’m packing my stuff and leaving!” I yelled running up the steps, I could him trudging up them behind me, he normally would let me leave then when I realized I fucked up he would take me back, no matter how long it took he’d still be there.

“So this is it Adri you are gonna run away like a child yet again?” He said standing in the doorway, watching me pack my things.

“Yes Zacky I am, and you know instead of coming back, I will stay gone, Zack you are like a poison you drain me, I’m tired of it.” I cried throwing random dresses, jeans and t shirts into my luggage.

“I’m a poison? Sweetie pie you may not have realized this here but I make the money, and all you do is spend it, oh big deal you do hair for a living, didn’t buy that nice BMW in the driveway did it?” he sneered.

“Excuse me Zachary?” I turned to him and could feel the anger starting to rise in me.

“You heard me,” he snarled.

“Oh that’s the last fucking straw Zacky, I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you lately but I am not putting up with your shit any fucking more,” I yelled, “Oh and here are the keys to that BMW in the driveway, I don’t need it.” I gathered my bags, purse and cell phone and headed towards the door. Right before opening the door I turned to look at him and stared into his eyes, those eyes I once loved, still loved, that were now heartbroken.

“You know what I can’t figure out Zack?”

“What’s that Adri?” he said, after all these years he still bottled up his emotions and then let them out at the worst times.

“The fact that you looked me in the eye so many times and said ‘I love you’ I believed it every time, but I mean it when I say I’m done Zack, I never want contact with you again, phone, text or otherwise, consider me your past, or dead, I could care a less. Goodbye Zack.”

… I still can’t figure out why he didn’t come after me. But I had a home now, here in Los Angeles with my sister Lacey, she was also dating Zacky best friend Johnny. I begged her not to tell him I was here, and to my knowledge he doesn’t know, I opened my own salon and started taking regular clients, Maria Brink was a regular and I loved her for it, she helped spread the word quickly. But despite the fact of all this success I can’t help but miss him. He was my opposite, he challenged my every action, and despite the fact that I hated him half the time, I couldn’t and can’t help but still love him. I looked over at clock from where I was sitting; it read 1:15 am. I had to be at work at 7 in morning then meet Maria at 9 and I knew with how I was thinking I wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon, in actuality I was heading for a visit to the waterworks. I curled into the fetal position and covered myself a blanket begging sleep to take me.

Zacky’s POV

I sat watching the minutes go by with my friends, while they were supposed to be the best of friends, right now they were simply bringing me down, they all had their girlfriends; Johnny and Lacey-- my ex’s sister, Val and Matt, Leana and Jimmy, and of course Brian with Michelle. I sat in the middle of it all and I could see Val expression she felt for me.

“Zack, what’s wrong?” she asked. She knew damn well what was wrong.

“It’s nothing that another shot of whiskey can’t solve Val,” I half smiled and pour another glass of Jack Daniels.

“Zack you know she is still out there right?” She said again.

“Yeah Val, I do, but hurts the most, is the fact she’s probably found someone who will treat better than I ever did, I should have worshipped her, I should have followed her and brought her back not let her walk right out my life, she was my closet thing to heaven and I let it slip away because of my selfishness.” I knocked back another shot.

“Funny she feels the same way,” I heard Lacey muttered.

“What do you mean Lace, that she regrets walking out?” I sneered.

“No that’s she lays in her bed at night, and cries herself to sleep, because she misses you, you miss each other, it clear as fucking day, why you can’t let go of your pride and just go to her?” she yelled, Johnny tightened his grip in her waist knowing she had a temper.

“Yeah believe me I would if only I knew where she was I would be on her door step in a heartbeat,” I muttered, looking at the door, waiting for her to come waltzing in her long blonde hair swaying behind her.

“I believe I can help you with that Zack,” Lacey said with a smirk.

“What do you know?” I questioned. She simply smiled, and handed me her house key.

“Just go Zacky, believe me go,” she smiled shaking her head. She didn’t have to tell me twice, until I was out the door, I ran to my car, but stopped and turned when I heard my name being called.

“Zack, please don’t break her again,” Lacey pleaded. I nodded knowing it would never happen again if I got her back. I drove, breaking multiple traffic laws. I pulled into Lacey’s driveway, I saw a light on, and she was here.

Adrianna’s POV

Sleep was useless, I got up and walked toward the living room, TV was my only option at this moment. I turned it on and my luck “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” was on. I smiled and brought a pillow to my chest and curled up around it.

“That was always you favorite movie,” someone whispered from the corner, my body bolted up, I knew that voice it made my heart go slack every time I heard it.

“Z-Zacky?” I stuttered out in a small voice, “How did you get in here, how did you know I was here?”

“Lacey, and Lacey,” he said and counted them on his fingers. ‘I’m going to kill her.’

“Zack, why are you here?” I asked sitting down putting my face in my hands. I could feel him move around me, and kneel in front me, on covering my face and taking my hands in his.

“Adrianna, you know I can’t even begin to apologize, I am not good enough for you, you’re perhaps the most perfect woman I ever met, and can only pray to God you would even consider to take me back.”

I just sat there a bit slack jawed; I held my arm to him, “Pinch me.” He just looked at me a confused expression over took his face. “This has got to be a dream, because the Zacky I know would be too proud to do this.” He chuckled, and pinched me; I closed my eyes only to open them with him still there, staring at me with those eyes that would melt any woman’s heart.

“I’m not going anywhere Adri,” he whispered and kissed my forehead. I couldn’t help but smile and lean in to his touch.

“Zack, can we just forget everything, and just start over, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” I whispered.

He smiled, “That’s all I ask for, another chance.”

I looked up at him and kissed his lips sweetly savoring the sweet fireworks I felt and hadn’t felt in nearly two years. “Adri, did you ever, ya’ know with anyone else?” he asked I know it was killing him to know if I did.

“No Zack, I went on dates, but nothing ever lasted more than one date, they all saw me as a brokenhearted girl.” I said. Remorse flashed across his face.

“I can fix that you know,” he whispered against my forehead.

I let another smile overtake my lips, and answered him, “Please do Zack.” He kissed me with as much passion as he could muster, and I felt that hole that had been in my heart and soul slowly begin to heal. I felt him pick me up and carry me up the stairs.

“Go to sleep, Adri, I’ll still be here in the morning.” He whispered kissing my ear.

I smiled, “Promise Zack?”

He chuckled, “I promise on my ‘6661’ guitar.” That one was his favorite, and I was glad he said that one and not the gynecologist.

I let myself fall into the first good sleep I’ve had since that night, to the sound of him sleepily murmuring the lyrics to ‘Dear God,’ and I was sure there was a smile on his face as well as mine.
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