Behind The Curtains

Chapter Three

Nate's POV

Tyler hung up on me about 15 minutes ago. He's going to come in my house and see me like this. Just the thought of the look on his face when he sees me is unbearable. I'm curled up on my floor, hugging the phone, in pain, and crying like a seven year-old girl with a scraped knee. Only in my case it's not just a scraped knee, it's a bruised rib cage, a bleeding face, a pounding head, and a broken spirit. Another thing the world doesn't know about me is that my parents are abusive. I wish I could say that's a lie, but I can't. That would be a lie too.

Tyler lives half an hour away, which is way too long a drive at the moment. I need my best friend right now.

Tyler's POV

Damn those fuckers. They hurt my best friend again. They can't even pray that I won't kill them, anyone who would do this to a child has to worship Satan.

Ugh, don't waste your time on them, they aren't worth it.

Fuck you voices, yes they are. I want them dead.

Just think about Nate, you have to save him.

Rawr, the voices in my head were once again right. I'm in my car, I've been driving for about 15 minutes. Why do I have to live so damn far away from him?! I'm so moving closer when I'm 18.

Focus on Nate, Tyler. Just drive like you've never driven before and get there as fast as you can. My mind was racing. What was I going to do once I got there? I'd never gone to get Nate before. I found out about it when we were in 9th grade, we were wrestling over a bag of Wild Berry Skittles at my house and out of nowhere he just yelled at me to get off. We got into a big argument and eventually he lifted his shirt and showed me a yellow, blue, and dark purple bruise about five and a half inches in diameter across his ribs. He broke down and cried, it was the most pitiful thing I'd ever seen, and I felt so bad for him. There was nothing I could do to help him at the time. But now I can.

I pulled into the grass of the Quinn residence, not even bothering with the drive-way. I rang the doorbell. No answer. I rang it twice and knocked. Nothing.

"Awe, fuck it." I kicked in the door and ran through the house, not remembering where his room was. I had only been there once and that was to drop off homework for him when he was sick. I finally came to a door covered in Adio stickers, you couldn't even see the paint. It was cracked open just a hair and the doorknob was laying on the floor. Oh shit, this has to be bad.

I pushed the door open and looked around the room. Bed, computer desk, closet. Now the floor. Trash can, broken glass? Nate. The sight of him took the breath out of me, and not in a good way. His eyes were closed, there was blood covering half his face, he was hugging the phone, and was trembling ferociously. I kneeled beside him with my hand on his shoulder, he whimpered and opened his tear stained eyes. The icy pools of green shot an arrow through my heart and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Tyler?" He cried.

"Yes" I answered him wiping his tears away, "It'll be okay, I'm here now."