Behind The Curtains

Chapter Four

Tyler's P.O.V.

Nate and I have been in my room for a few hours, my mom has no idea he's here. Since his parents are virtual morons, they don't have a computer so they don't know where I live, and they can't find out. Nate and I - mostly I - decided that Nate is moving in with me, I'm never letting him go back to that place except for tomorrow when we go to get all of his things. I'm going to talk to my mom about it tomorrow before we go, and I don't care if she agrees. It's my life and I'm going to control it. I'll get a job soon that way I can pay the extra for Nate, and we can all be happy together.

Nate didn't really talk at first, surprisingly, he layed in my arms and cried. Not something I imagined he would do. He always seems so strong and invincible, but now . . . He looks just like an ordinary teenager, trying to make it in this fucked up world. After he calmed down, he sat on the opposite side of the room from me, I guess embarassed that he just layed in another dude's arms. I'm not surprised, he's straight, just my luck huh? We talked about how he was doing a little bit. I had cleaned up his wounds and bandaged him up as best as I could. He swore he was fine, but knowing how us guys are so prideful, I just knew he wasn't as great as he said. We talked about his new living arrangments, how we were going to get his things, how we were to convince my mom, and if we would tell her why.

School on Monday was going to be oh-so fantastic and neither of us wanted to go. Nate didn't need anymore drama. I didn't want to give him pity though, I knew that wasn't what he wanted. More besides, I was admiring how strong he was being about everything, I was amazed. He knew how shitty the cards life had dealt him were, he had accepted it, and now he was taking it all in and facing it. I idolized him for that. However long he was going to stay with me . . . I couldn't wait for.