Hold My Hand


Dear Lilly,

Remember me? Remember all the times we shared? When you and I were so perfect, we were invincible. I swear, nothing could tear us apart, and I wasn’t going to let that happen. But it did, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I can still smell your scent on my sheets, and I can still hear you cooking breakfast in the morning. Why did you have to leave me here? I still had so many things I wanted to do with you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted to watch you walk down the isle toward me in a pretty white wedding dress with a bouquet of flowers in your hand.

I wanted your father to finally accept me for who I am. I guess he could still do that. You left me with nothing, Lilly. Nothing except the gift of life, but I guess I can deal with that. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, and now you’re gone.

Remember when we talked about getting married? Remember that? I can still hear you telling me all your dreams and goals. You wanted to be a writer. You wanted to touch the world with your words, and I was going to help you do that.

I miss your long, blond hair and the way it always fell in my face when you towered over me. I miss the way you said my name when you tried to wake me up in the morning. I miss the way you kissed me, and I miss the taste of your lips on mine. I miss the days on the beach, and the days inside when it was raining. I miss you going with me when I traveled the world. I miss making love to you. I miss being the only one you could call yours. But most of all, I miss the way you held my hand.

Cheyenne, she’ll be the closest I’ll ever get to you for now.

Our daughter is so beautiful.

I’ll see you soon, love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, Garrett Nickelsen. I'm gettin' all jittery inside. I'm SO excited for this. Tell your friends/Garrett lovers. I really am STOKED for this. And the title comes from "Hold My Hand" by Hootie & The Blowfish. I heart them so much.

Manda :)