Hold My Hand


I didn’t see Lilly for almost a year. I had somewhat ‘forgotten’ about her, but not completely. Our band had just gotten big, and we had toured the East coast in four months. Then we set out for Warped tour in the summer, and that would be when I would see Lilly again, but I hadn’t known that. There had been a few hopefuls over the year that I met; gorgeous girls with great personalities, but none of them measured to Lilly. I always ended up comparing them to her, and figuring out that I only wanted her. All the guys had found a girlfriend, and I was stuck here alone by myself while they came on tour with us and stole my best friends away from me. They would go to the movies when we were in a town long enough and I’d opt out so I could skip being the ninth wheel. I wouldn’t admit to being lonely, though. I wasn’t that kind of guy. So I just kept to myself and kept my eyes out for a girl I could potentially start a relationship with.

I remember that I met Max Bemis’ daughter, Shayla. She was only seven at the time, and I had become extremely attached to her. Maybe too much for my own good, but I think it was because she resembled my little sister, Hayley. I would ‘baby-sit’ Shayla whenever I could. I guess she was my replacement for Lilly.

One day I was playing with Shayla and there was a playground at the venue. The sun was setting and we had already played our set. “Gary?” She asked as I held her hand while she walked on the park bench. I looked up at her expectantly and let out a ‘hm’ while she smiled at me. “Do you like anyone?”

“Yes,” I smiled at her. “Why?”

“Well – who is it?”

“Well – she’s a little short. She’s got long brown hair and her name rhymes with playa.”

Shayla giggled, “You don’t like me! I hear you talking to Max about a girl you used to know. Who is she?”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “Just a girl I knew a while back. But now the only girl I care about is you.” I picked her up and helped her onto my back. “Only because you are the greatest.”

“Did you love her?”

I chuckled, “I don’t think so. We didn’t know each other that long.”

“Good,” She smiled. “Will you be my boyfriend, Garrett?”

“Of course,” I smiled as I felt her fingers tug on my hair. “What are you doing?”

“Your hair was too neat,” She giggled and jumped down from my back. “I’m tired, Gary.”

“Well then the princess must sleep!” I yelled, running toward Say Anything’s bus. She chased after me and grabbed my hand, causing me to slow down. “I thought you were tired.”

“I am, but you started running, Gary!” She giggled and rested her head on my arm. “What if I was older and looked like her? Would you really be my boyfriend?” I looked in the direction she was pointing and my breath caught in my throat. There, walking with Jared was my Lilly.

My heart was whole again.
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The picture at the top is of me and my daddy. I cherish that picture. And I thought it'd work well for this story. I hope you like this. I don't really like it so far.