Status: active

Shes Running Through My Dreams

Chapter Two

Kellie flashed our backstage passes and in we went to wait for the band to finish up, this was awkward. I didn't want to be here with her, but she refused to go alone even though all she is going to do is flirt with the band, where their music actually means something to me.

Alex’s P.O.V

I’ve always loved playing live, it was the biggest adrenaline rush and playing to thousands of kids who are screaming your own lyrics back at you is the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced. This is what I thought as I walked off stage. But I couldn't stop my mind from wondering about that one girl with the bright red hair that stood out as she stood by herself with her arms crossed and a small pout on her cute little face. she looked happy and sad all in one. I felt like running off stage and pulling her into a gigantic hug, one of the ones Jack’s known for, but obviously I couldn’t do that. I just hope I’ll get to meet her while we are here, she seemed different .Good different!

And just as the four of us rounded the corner a window shattering scream reached our ears, and as I looked up, there she was.

Addie’s P.O.V

We’re literally lost backstage, I couldn’t believe this. Kellie was far too stubborn to ask for help or to even let me ask for help.
So here we are trying to find our way to where all time low will be, Key word be trying, we both have no idea where we are going were just walking down a hall hoping it will lead us to where we need to go, but before I could blink Kellie let out an ear shattering scream which caused me to look up, and there they were, All Time Low, my heroes. The boy’s whose music had saved my life and they didn’t even know it.

They looked shocked and scared as they stared at us, probably thinking we were insane fan girls who wanted to get in their pants, oh wait, Kellie did want to get in their pants, Zack's pants actually. I think they could tell too, I stood there blushing from embarrassment as Kellie eyed down Zack's shirtless body, he looked like he wanted to run away from her, far away!

“Are you girls trespassing?” Jack joked, but he looked like he really was wondering if we were trespassing.
“No, we have these” Kellie spoke while flashing her backstage pass.
“Oh, sweet” Zack said hesitating a little under Kellie's stare, She looked like she was going to pounce on him any minute now.
“Wait, a second” Jack yelled pointing at me. I looked up at him with confusion all over my face. “Why are you backstage?! You weren’t even enjoying our music?” he questioned.
I replied quietly, just about a whisper “I was enjoying it, just in a different way to the other thousand girls there”
“What do you mean ‘different way’?” he questioned putting air quotes around ‘different way’.
I sighed. this was it I was going to end up telling them how much their music means by the end of this day. I could feel Kellie burning holes into my body with her eyes, she was beyond pissed off that I was taking the attention away from her.
“I just, I dunno, I see your music as more than just music, it’s helped me through a lot of stuff and I would rather stand at the back and watch you play your hearts out then be in the crowd jumping and screaming with every other girl” I said shyly, slightly looking up to see all four members off all time low smiling sheepishly at me.
“That was deep” Rian said.
“That’s cool, I like when people tell me about a time when their music helped them. It reminds me that, that’s why we do this, for them” Alex said,
“So maybe we should take this somewhere else, not in the middle off the hall” Rian suggested. “That would be great, don’t you think Zack” Kellie obnoxiously smiled.
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well i probably wont delete it even if you said delete, i enjoy writing too much to let comments get to me.
but good comments do make me feel good about myself :)
Sorry if there are mistakes, But please don't report me just for a few silly mistakes that I have not noticed, just comment and tell me. Don't report for your own enjoyment.