Sequel: Starcrossed
Status: It's done!! Please read the sequel 'Starcrossed' and review!!!

The Flood

Fans and Walrus

I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting to really wake up. This was the first time in a long time that I had been able to sleep in a real bed since the tour had started a month ago. A real bed with more than one pillow, a big blanket and room enough to move that I wasn’t scared I’d fall to the floor and break something if I rolled over. I loved when we got to stay in hotels. Not that I didn’t love cuddling with Max but when we had a bed we didn’t have to sleep directly on top of one another.

It was a few moments after I woke up that I realized that I had been woken by someone and not of my own accord. I turned and saw Max sitting on the bed fully dressed.

“Are you feeling alright?” I asked looking at him, usually it was me that had to wake his happy ass up.

“Yeah, we have to be up early for that radio thing.” he said.

I nodded remembering that today 96.9 VBNM was giving away a day with Escape The Fate to a lucky fan. They would have to compete in series of challenges to win a day at Sea World with the guys and us, backstage passes for the show that night and a tour of the bus. That’s why we’d gotten a hotel that night, the bus was being cleaned.

I stood up and quickly pulled on a bikini I’d bought the day before, my favorite pair of jean shorts, my black and white ‘RIP REV’ shirt that said ‘SULLIVAN 0’ on the back, my black and red Vans , and heart shaped sunglasses and a silver music note necklace.

“So where are the others? Usually someone’s already traipsed in here and disturbed our peace.” I said as I pulled my hair into a ponytail and started applying sunscreen.

I loved the others but there was no privacy on the bus and when we were in a hotel they were in and out a million times.

“Robert and Shayla are up, I just called them, Bryan and Eden too.” he said as he dressed Zacharie.

It was one of the weeks Eden was spending with us and was sharing a room with Bryan. Zacky knew and trusted Eden and Bryan knew his boundaries so all was good.

“What about Robyn and Craigafer?” I asked.

“Can’t get them on the phone. But…I have an idea. I was going to use these later on the bus for an surprise assault on the fans but I thought that this was a much better solution.” he said with a wicked smile and pulled out a bag with six Super Soakers all filled.

I took one in my hand and noticed the icy feeling under my palm. “Ice water?”

“Do the other’s know?” I asked.

“They’re getting dressed right now.” he said and a moment later there was knock on the door and Robert and Shayla, never ones to shy away from a prank were standing there smiling.

I handed them each a Super Soaker then one to Eden and Bryan.

“Do you have the duplicate key?” Max asked Robert.

“Yep thank god that all the people working at the desk are like a million years old and don’t know me from Craig.” Robert said holding up the piece of plastic with a smirk.

Out of all of us Shayla was the most sneaky so she went first opening the door and carrying Zacharie in and sitting her down in the corner of the room where she wouldn’t get in the way with a cookie to keep her quiet. We stood back at the door watching her, holding our breath. She came back and retrieved her water gun and we took our places, shutting the door behind us silently.

“One, Two…” Max mouthed,

“THREE!!” I yelled and we ran over water guns blazing.

“What the fuck!?!” Robyn and Craig yelled as we jumped up on their bed soaking them with the freezing cold water.

“Wake up call bitches!!” I yelled.

“Get off my fucking bed!” Robyn said and pushed at Shayla who fell into Robert who fell on me making me fall into Eden who grabbed onto Max as she fell who hit Bryan sending him toppling off the bed.

All of us with the exception of Robyn who’d managed to get off the bed and Bryan who was lying on the floor laughing his ass off were in pile on the bed with Craig pinned under Max.

“Get off me you fatty!” Craig cried from under him.

“I am not fat!” Max said getting off Craig.

“You’re short.” he added as he stood.

“I agree with Max!” I said hopping up and wrapping my arms around my boyfriend.

“Whatever! All of you out! Craig and I have to get ready!” she said and shoved us all out of the room.

While they were getting ready Max, Zacharie and I headed downstairs and grabbed something for breakfast before heading back to the room. By that time Robyn and Craig were ready and the babysitter that had been arranged to come and watch Zacharie and Luke was waiting for us.

“Mommy loves you and when we get back we’re going to Sea World.” I said kissing Zacharie good-bye.

With one last kiss for our babies we headed downstairs. I jumped on Max’s back, and he hooked his hands under my legs giving me a piggy back ride. I smiled as I looked down at him, he was wearing the bathing suit he’d bought when we’d first met which I thought was cute. I wasn’t sure if anyone else noticed but I did.

There was a mini-bus waiting for us when we got downstairs. The bus doors opened and I laughed,

“Hello Thurman! It’s your first day of school!” I said jumping off Max’s back and running on the bus.

“Okay! Who gave her chocolate? You know that she’s almost as bad as Eden when she’s hyped up on sugar!” Robyn asked walking onto the bus behind me.

“I am a grown woman Robyn it’s my choice as to what I have for breakfast! If I want to I can have all I want of chocolate milk and chocolate mmmmuffins!” I said pronouncing ‘muffins’ in the exaggerated way that Craig had in a buzznet interview.

“No Loran! No you cannot because then you act like this!” she said scolding me before turning on Max.

“Look at her! You know that you cannot give her sugar especially this early in the morning!” she said.

“Hey, I was feeding Zacharie! I was watching her, not Loran! It’s not like she’s killing somebody!” Max said sitting down beside me.

“Thank you baby.” I said kissing him on the cheek.

Robyn rolled her eyes and sat down.

“What are we supposed to be doing again?” Shayla asked changing the subject.

“You, me, Loran and Robyn are going to be putting a few fans through their paces. They survive all the rounds then they get to hang with us today. I’m not sure what we’ll be doing challenge wise but it should be fun.” Eden said with a devilish smile.

“And Robyn baby that doesn’t mean that you can cause any bodily harm to any of the fans even if they piss you off.” Craig said.

“Fine! Kill all my fun!” Robyn said and we all laughed.

The contest was taking place on the beach which was going to be a blast. I hadn’t gone to the beach in years. I actually hated it but when you grow up at the beach and then you’re away from it for a year or so you start to miss it.

We pulled to a stop in a huge parking lot and climbed off the little bus. I was the first off, still on my sugar high.

A guy in a blinding Hawaiian shirt and kaki shorts was waiting for us.

“Welcome to San Diego!” he said shaking all of our hands.

His voice sounded fake, like a radio commercial.

“I’m Rod Bryans aka Road Rage Roddy and I’ll be hosting this shindig.” he said.

I looked a Robyn who shared the same ‘What-The-Fuck’ look that I had. 'Shindig'? Really?

“So for the past month we’ve been giving away Escape The Fate albums and a chance to compete today. We have seven fans here, four girls and three guys. So if we could get you girls to come with me and if you guys follow Teresa here she’ll get you set up on stage.” Rod said.

We gave our guys kisses and fallowed Rod.

“We thought that since you girls are the ones that know the real ETF that it would be a good idea for you to do this. Now let me introduce you to the fans.” he said.

We walked into a white tent where six people sat on blow up furniture.

“Hello hello! If everyone will gather round!” Rod said and they all stood up.

“Now I’d like you to meet the girls. This is Robyn, Craig’s girlfriend, Loran, Max’s girlfriend, Shayla, Robert’s girlfriend and Eden a friend of the band. Be nice to them, they’re the refs out there.” Rod told them all.

“Now why don’t you introduce yourselves?” Rod said.

A girl with brown hair and hazel eyes stepped forward first, “Hi I’m Molly Smith.” she said with a smile.

The girl beside her stepped up, “I’m Juliet Raith.” the girl next to Molly with gauges and tats said with a slight bounce.

“My name’s Don.” the guy next to her chimed in.

Lucas was the guy sitting next to him then David.

“I’m Miracle McCoy.” said a girl with the bluest eyes I’d ever seen.

“And I’m Alexis.” she said the last girl with a smile.

“Well now that the introductions are out of the way lets get you all into your places.” Rod smiled and walked out with the fans.

“So what do you think?” I asked.

“Not bad…but they’ll have to deal with us first.” Shayla said with an evil grin.

“Oh yeah.” Robyn said and fist bumped Shayla.

“Ladies we’re ready for you.” Teresa said coming into the tent.

She handed each of us a whistle and beckoned us to follow her.

“Okay each event is named after an Escape The Fate song. The first one is Dragging Dead Bodies In Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills, it involves Jell-O. The next one is The Flood, which involves whipped cream and the third is Harder Than You Know, which will involve you girls as well.” Teresa said.

“Okay the first one is the Jell-O. Each contestant must run away through that Lime Jell-O to the end of the pool. On the way there they must collect five body parts, two legs, two arms and a head. Once they reach the end of the pool they have to put them in the blue trash bags and get back through the Jell-O first five back move onto the next round.” Teresa said.

“So where do we come in? It seems pretty simple.” I said.

“Well you have to make sure that they have the right parts. There are several of each in the pool.” Teresa said.

“Gotcha.” Robyn said and we walked out of the tent and over to the pool.

The guys were sitting on lawn chairs up on a stage that had been set up above the pool. The smiled at us as we walked by.

“Remember don’t kill em’!” Robert yelled, we all laughed except Robyn who made a fake pout face yelling “Awuhhh man!” with a snap of her fingers, the guys laughed at that before we had to return our attention back to Roddy.

He explained the rules to them then signaled us to start.

“Okay! On your marks! Get Set! GO!!!” Robyn said and blew her whistle.

They all took off at once, diving into the Jell-O. We watched as they ran through picking up the various body parts along the way until they reached the end. They franticly shoved them all into the bags and made their ways back.

Juliet was back first setting her bag on the X that was designated as the drop off spot. Next came Molly than Lucas, Miracle, Alexis and finally David. We checked all their bags and found that they all had the parts but Don had come back last and was asked to leave along with Alexis.

We moved onto the next round, The Flood. In this one there was a large vat of whipped cream which me and the girls spent a few moments having fun spreading it out across a large tarp and hiding colored sponges in the whipped cream.

They had to collect sponges of their specific color and bring them back and put them in a bucket. The people with the most at the end of the 2 minuets moved on.

If the first round was funny this one was hilarious Don was built like the Hulk but had no balance and spent half the time slipping in the whipped cream and came back with only 3 balls whereas the others had at least 10-15.

It wound up coming down to just Juliet, Miracle and Molly after all the balls were counted.

“Okay for the last challenge we’ll see just how good these fans are when they go up against four girls that know ETF better than anyone. Each of our contestants will be asked a question by the girl of the guy they’re with. For instance Loran will ask you about Max and Shayla about Robert. If you get it right you get to pass. If not you’ll have to fight to get past using these foam swords! First to get paint on the other is the winner!” Rod said.

Robyn’s POV

Loran was dumbfounded, that much was obvious,

“Uh…who agreed that we’d have to fight people?” she asked.

I looked over to the stage where the guys were sitting laughing their asses off, and air fist bumped Robert; we were probably the two most violent people on the bus and he knew I enjoyed a good fight as much as anyone.

“Fuckers!” Loran said walking over to the stage.

Max saw her coming and met her at the edge of the stage.

“What’s up babe?” he asked innocently.

“You know what the hell is up! I’m going to be mauled to death by your fans!” she yelled at him.

“Oh I’m sure they won’t maul you! C’mon think of how much fun it might be!” Max replied trying not to laugh.

“Fun? You think getting whacked by a foam sword is going to be fun? I mean what if this shit get’s physical?” she asked.

“It’s not going to get physical.” he scoffed.

“If that’s how you feel about your fiancé having to fight your fans then all I have to say to you is I hope you and ‘Jill’ are still good friends because you’re going to be visiting her for the next two weeks.” she said.

Max paled and looked at her while Shayla and I were laughing at his expression, “You’re not serious are you?” he asked.

“Yes Max I am completely serious. Two weeks. Unless you can do something to make it up to me big time you’re not getting anything from me.” she said and with a smirk before turning with a flounce coming back.

I laughed and fist bumped her, something I was trying to bring back.

“So youre really not gonna give it up?“ Eden said laughing.

“Please, he’ll be begging within the hour and you know I’ll give in. It’s always a hollow promise, I don’t get why he hasn’t figured it out yet.” she said with a smirk.

“ROBYN!” Craig yelled, I jogged over to the stage where I was greated by not Craig but Monte.

“Yeah?” I asked curious,

“Go easy on Molly…” he said looking around,

“Why???” I asked my curiosity really peaked, “OH! I gotcha!” I said getting it.

That’s when Rod called us over to our places. We all kicked off our shoes and removed our cover ups revealing our swimsuits. I heard whistles as we did so. I turned and saw Max looking at Loran sadly, and the other guys oggling their girls including Craig, I blew him a kiss and got into place.

Miracle was first in line, she had to go through Shayla then Loran, Eden then finally me. We decided to put me in the back since I was the one looking for a fight and was visibly stronger than the rest. The other girls were just asking simple things like their guy’s birthdays.

I waited for my turn as Miracle was coming towards me, “What color boxers is Craig wearing today?” I asked knowing she wouldn’t be able to answer that.

She looked at me for a moment trying to think, I saw Craig pull his pants away and look down. I laughed realizing even he didn’t know.

“Blue?” She guessed, I raised my sword.


“Shit,” she replied coming forward.

It took me only a moment to dispatch her, she was very uncoordinated. I heard cheers from the guys as I raised my sword in a dramatic victory pose.

Next came Juliet, I don’t know why but I really hadn’t liked this girl from the beginning and I had been looking forward to her because we were both built about the same, I asked my question again,

“Red?” she responded.

“Faillll” I said motioning for her to come forward like in a cheesy ninja movie.

She came forward and posed a bit more of a challenge but was easy to dispatch with a large red spot right where her liver was located. I smiled as she walked away. This left only Molly who came forward,

“I already know I’ll get it wrong so lets just go at it okay?” She said timidly.

I remembered Monte’s comment about going easy on her and I agreed, I let her ‘stab’ me after about 3 minutes allowing her to pass.

I bowed dramatically before shaking her hand with a laugh, “Good job,” I said.

“Thanks!” She said clearly excited.

Loran's POV

The guys invited Molly to come back to the hotel with us while we changed. I vaguely wondered why they would since she didn’t have anything on but a bathing suit and shorts and they were wet with jell-o and whipped cream. I just shrugged.

We climbed onto the mini bus and took our seats. I finally realized why she was coming back with us as I noticed that Bryan took a seat beside Molly, a grin plastered on his face that I hadn’t seen since after his night with Eden.

I nudged Max gently in the side, “Looks like Bryan’s not so hot for Eden anymore.” I said with a smile.

Max looked over at Bryan, “Dude he’s fucking love drunk.” he said.

I watched as they got closer both smiling like hell. We pulled up to the hotel and climbed out of the little bus and headed up. Molly was about Shayla’s size so she went with Robert and Shayla to get clothes and change after we agreed to meet downstairs in 45 minuets.

I sorted through my suitcase and pulled out a pair of Capri pants and a striped shirt along with some underwear and began to get dressed. I pulled off my shorts and shirt and began to undo the knot in the strings of my bikini top when Max crawled on the bed in front of me a smile on his face.

“You know I love you and I’m really, really sorry for not telling you right?” he said with a puppy dog look.

I rolled my eyes, “Not working big boy.” I said finally getting the knot undone and letting my top fall to the floor.

“Get off my clothes.” I said and jerked them from under his knees sending him to the floor with a loud ‘Thunk!’ he moaned for a second and laid still.

“Shit! Max!” I said and kneeled down beside him.

“Baby? Please talk to me!” I said and before I could say another thing he sat up and brought our lips together.

He kissed me for a minuet before I pushed him away, “You ass! I thought you were really hurt!” I said standing up, tears in my eyes. Ever since we'd been kidnapped I'd been scared out of my mind that something was going to happen to him.

“Oh Loran please don’t cry!” he said seeing the tears in my eyes.

“You’re such a dick sometimes! You know how scared I am.” I said.

“I know babe and I’m sorry. I need to learn to stop that.” he said wiping away the tears that had managed to escape my eyelids.

“Don’t you ever scare me that way again Maxwell Scott Green!” I said.

“I won’t.” he said and drew me into his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and he began to rub my bare back. I looked up and pressed my lips to his. I was such a fucking pushover.

We got down stairs 15 minuets later than we’d originally agreed to meet the others.

“It’s about fucking time!” Shayla said as we walked off the elevator.

“Really! What took you so long?” Bryan asked handing me Zacharie, we’d agreed who ever got done first would get the kids.

I felt a blush rise in my cheeks as I took my baby in my arms.

“Uh-Oh…I think Loran broke her promise!” Eden said with a small smile.

“Okay thank you Eden but I really didn’t need that image in my head!” Robyn said.

“Look can we stop discussing my sex life and go to Sea World?” I asked.

“Yes. Let’s go.” Robyn said and we walked out the doors.

It wasn’t a long drive to Sea World and when we got there we hurried off. Robyn and I got a double stroller for Zacharie and Luke and decided to let the guys take turns pushing it. We hit up all the exhibits, even taking Luke and Zacharie on the Sky Tower and a little Elmo ride that they loved. We decided to catch a show.

There was a Walrus show that looked fun to watch so we headed to the stands around the walrus tank. About 15 minuets into the show they asked for a volunteer. We were all sitting in the front row and the trainer came directly to us,

“Sir would you like to come up and help out a little?” she asked Craig.

“Uh…Sure.” he said with a smile and walked with the trainer to the platform.

“Dammit!” Robyn said suddenly.

“What?” I asked.

“Luke needs to be changed and I really wanted to see Craig!” she said.

“Well I’ll go with you Zacharie does too. Maybe if we hurry we can see it.” I said.

Robyn caught Craig’s eye and motioned that she had to change Luke and that we’d be back and we hurried from the stands.

We put our children up on the little changing stations and began to change them when ‘Hollywood Whore’ began to play signaling that Craig was calling.

“Remind me why you made my fiancé’s ringtone that?” Robyn asked.

“Because I already had one for Max.” I said.

“And that would be?” she asked.

“Can’t Stand It by NeverShoutNever.” I said with a smile as I answered my phone and Robyn rolled her eyes.

“Hello?” I said.

“Loran you and Robyn need to get back here like now!” came Robert’s voice.

“What? Why are you on Craig’s phone? What’s wrong?” I asked.

“What?” Robyn mouthed at me.

“Craig!” I mouthed back.

“Give me the phone!” she said and I handed it to her.

“What the fuck is going on you‘d better tell me Robert.” she asked.

“WHAT!?! OH MY GOD!!! I’ll be right there.” she said and snapped the phone shut and shoved it at me.

She quickly did up Luke as I did up Zacharie, “What’s going on?” I asked.

“Craig was just attacked by a fucking Walrus!” she said she sounded worried but I could see that she was trying not to laugh as well.

We put the kids in their buggy and hurried to find out what was going on with Craig. We reached the first aid station and found our friends gathered around and Craig lying down on a bed.

“What’s going on?” Robyn asked.

“Are you his girlfriend?” the first aid person asked.

“Yes now what’s wrong with Craig?” Robyn asked her.

“He was charged by the Walrus. He was in heat and tried to mate with your boyfriend. There’s nothing major wrong with him, he’s just a little shaken up.” she said.

“Thank god.” Robyn said and walked over to Craig.

“Baby? Are you okay?” she asked.

He opened his eyes, “Yeah I’m fine I just want the fuck out of here.” he said.

“Okay we’ll leave.” she said and helped him sit up.

“I’m sorry about this Molly.” Craig said as he stood up.

“It’s fine, trust me.” she said looking at Bryan with lovey dovey eyes.

We all walked toward the gate and Max started laughing, “Oh my god you almost just got raped by a fucking male walrus!” he laughed.

It was contagious and in a few moments we were all laughing like crazy with the exception of Robyn who was desperately trying to hold it in and Craig. He just walked back on the Mini Bus and pouted in the corner.

We got back to the hotel and grabbed our stuff. Molly was going to be hanging out for another couple of hours so she was going to join us on the bus for a bit. We put all of our stuff on the bus and I started making supper. I decided on vegan pasta and garlic bread since Bryan was our resident vegan and I knew that Molly didn’t eat much meat. It was done quick and I walked around to let everyone know that it was done.

I went to look for Bryan who’d disappeared. I had forgotten that Molly was with us and due to that fact I got a sight when I found them. They were outside leaning against the parked bus making out. I cleared my throat and they jumped apart,

“Uh…dinner’s ready.” I said and turned to walk back on the bus when there was a high pitched scream. I ran as fast as I could up the bus stairs, Bryan and Molly behind me.

“What’s going on?” I asked. Everyone was laughing like mad.

“W-When we were at Sea World earlier I-I bought Luke a stuffed Walrus. Craig was asleep in his bunk and I put it on his chest and woke him for dinner and he screamed! Like a girl!” Robyn said.

“Oh my god I can’t believe that I missed that!” I said.

“Don’t worry we have video!” Robert said and held up a camera.

“I hate all of you!” Craig said.

Robyn got up and walked over to him, her laughs slowly subsiding.

“I’m sorry baby I just had to do it.” she said and gave Craig a kiss.

“It wasn’t funny.” he said when she pulled away.

Robyn kissed him again this time a little harder.

“Hey none of that in here! Take that to the bunks if you’re going to do that!” Eden said and tossed a pillow at them. They broke apart and walked back to the bunks.

“Who want’s to watch a movie!” I said and quickly popped a DVD in the player and settled down to watch it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay finally another chapter!! Thank you to molly6655, IWillMakeYouScream, kelseyrychel13 and Lex. Gee's for appearing in this chapter and not yelling at us for taking so long with this one. You guys rock! Okay if you don't know about the muffin thing you can see the interview here:

Here's the outfits!
Robyn's Contest outfit:

Loran's Contest Outfit:

Eden and Shayla's Contest Outfits:

Loran's SeaWorld Outfit:

Robyn's SeaWorld Outfit:

Once again thank you to everyone that sent out a character profile. And please Read and Review. THANX!!