Status: Finished :3

All Alone Is Where We Started, but We All Feel the Same

Let The Light Shine In

Callie sat on the large speakers that covered almost the left side of the concert stage. Her long brown-blond hair blew slightly in the air conditioning of the venue; just enough to cover half of her face a little and the slight annoyed frown that pulled at her lips. Her blue-grey eyes were locked on her best friends that were currently doing greet and meet with a bunch of people, right in front of the stage they had just been playing on a couple of hours ago.

It wasn’t the fact they were doing meet and greet that was annoying her – It was the 3 girls dressed in really gross clothing that were pretty much throwing themselves at a couple of the guys, including her brother Eric. The guys were actually trying to keep away from them, obviously the girls were too blind to see that and just stood so close that they were in their personal bubbles. She noted that Eric was starting to look very pissed off.

She wanted to go and do something about it and, well, save the guys, but what could she do? It would only end up in some sort of fight. She bit the inside of her cheek.

“Hey we better get going now, we leave soon.” Matt pointed out loudly looking at his watch leaning away from one of the girls.

He then gestured to one of the guards, Callie saw the guard nod his head and start walking over to them from the other side of the venue. Eric looked back at his sister on the speakers and smiled. Callie smiled back softly before picking up her camera bag from next to her.

Right at that moment one of the girls that had been standing close to Eric turned her attention more to Matt. Eric took the chance to move away from her and walk up to the stage. He stood on the box there and got up on stage and ran to Callie, jumped and landed in a sitting position right next to her. She chuckled at him.

“What you doing, sis?” He asked swinging his arm around her shoulders.
“Just watching yous with your greet and meet.” She replied wrapping her arm around his waist. “I was also trying to think of a way to save you guys.” She added.
“From wh-Oh.” He realised she meant from the girls. “I hate sluts.” He grumbled.

Callie couldn’t help but laugh quietly at the look on his face. Eric smiled rolling his eyes. She turned her head and looked at the group of people only a few meters away from them. Her eyes caught Beau’s for a moment before he looked away to the guard. Callie looked at the guard too, he was trying to pull the three girls away nicely, and the others were saying their goodbyes and walking away.

It took the guard 10 minutes and the band to join Callie and Eric for the girls to leave; they kept yelling random stuff out to the guys even as the guard pushed them out of the door. As the door closed a few cheers and claps came from the guys making Callie laughed.

“I thought they were going to rape us.” Mike chuckled.
“More like kidnap one of us.” Jared said.
“Yeah they would kidnap you and hold you up for ransom for 3 chocolate bars.” Eric smirked. “We would buy the bars and eat them ourselves.”
“Hey!” Jared complained.

Laughter echoed around the group as Jared rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. Callie calmed herself down from laughing at smiled at him.

“Aww don’t worry Jared, I’d save you.” She said making Jarred smile. “May take a week but I would eventually save you.”

Jared could help but laugh with everyone this time. As they all calmed down Beau moved from where he had been standing and sat next to Callie. Small talk started between the group mostly about the show they had done tonight. Beau smiled at her, his smiled enough almost made her blush.

“Can I look at the photos you took tonight?” He asked.
“Sure.” She smiled handing him her bag.

Beau carefully took her fancy camera out of its bag and turned it on before looking at the pictures that she took. She looked over his arm to see them too; she hadn’t had time to really have a good look at them yet.

Callie was always a person that loved taking pictures of anything and everything. When Blessthefall first got big and started touring Eric brought her along with them, over time she became the bands every own photographer; people thought she was that good she had gone on small tours with other bands to take pictures for them too, but she spent most of her time with her brother’s and best friends band. She loved being on the road.

“I like this one a lot.” Beau smiled tilting the camera for her to see the small screen better.

The picture that was on the screen was of Beau half was through a jump off the tall speaker with the mic and his arms in the air and his hair all over the place apart from in his face; blue stage light shinned from everywhere behind him, making it look like he was glowing. Callie smiled brightly and placed her hands over Beau’s to bring the camera a little closer so she could see the picture better. It had to be one of the best pictures she took all tour.

Beau smiled softly seeing her smile brightly. After a moment she took her hands away letting him have the camera back. He smiled at her before flicking through more photos. Eric then nudged his sister in the side getting her attention.

“You got all your stuff and ready to go?” He asked.
“Yep, I’m already.” She nodded.
“Then let’s go!” Mike and Matt yelled jumping off the stage.

Jared followed as well as Eric. Beau quickly turned Callie’s camera off and placed it in the bag before handing it to her. She took the strap and placed it over her shoulder and stood, grabbing her camera stand that was next to the speaker she had been sitting on. Beau jumped off the stage as Callie walked to the edge of it and stopped.

She didn’t like highs at all and with her camera and stand with her she wasn’t too keen on jumping or even talking the huge step into the small box. She bit her lip. Beau noticed her hesitating and walked to the stage right below her.

“Here I’ll help you.” He smiled.

He held his hands out and she gave him the stand and camera. Eric quickly walked over and took them for Beau. He then held his arms up like he was going to pick up a small kid. Callie smiled and bent down so Beau could lift her off the stage and place her feet on the ground. They smiled at each other.

“Thank you.” Callie said.
“You’re welcome, Cal.”

Beau fully let go of her and Eric handed her, her stuff. The others who had been watching turned and walked towards the back door. Beau turned and followed them, but not before taking another small glance at Callie.

Eric stood next to her smirking as he poked his younger sister by a year in the ribs. She moved away from him laughing and looked up at him. Eric pointed in Beau’s direction and wiggled his eyebrow a little.

“Oh, Shut up.” Callie said blushing.

Eric has known for a while that Callie had liked Beau much more than a friend and he has never had a problem with it. Callie knew that if she would let him, he would be a matchmaker and get them together before she could even blink.

“But I didn’t say anything.” Eric smirked.
“Looks say a thousand words.” She shot back smirking as they started walking.
“Well it’s not my fault that you have the hots for him.” He stated making her blush again.
“Why the hell did I ever bother to tell you about that?” She mumbled to herself.
“Because I’m you loving brother, we have no secrets and it’s obvious anyway.” Eric smiled.
“It is?” She asked shocked almost stopping from walking.
“Well if you actually looking, yeah.”

Callie sighed and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“Don’t worry about it; he’ll fuck your brains out sooner or later.”

She could help but laugh at the silly way Eric said that as they walked out the door. He laughed along with her and the others looked back at them with confused looks before shrugging and looking back at the van, well all apart from Beau; he couldn’t take his eyes of the girl he thought that looked cute when she laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeay! New story! :3
This started off as a oneshot, but got longer and longer...haha so I made it into a story!
I have this all finished, there are 6 chapters total ;D
So if you like it and want me to post the next part soon, then comment and I will, deal? ^^