Status: Finished :3

All Alone Is Where We Started, but We All Feel the Same

If I Could Hold You For A Second

The group looked up at the boards above the counter, deciding on what they wanted to eat. To Callie a lot of the food seemed tempting but she didn’t know what to have, the guys beside her were murmuring what they would like to have to each other, and also who’s turned it was to pay. Callie was pretty sure it was Mike or Eric’s turn at paying. They always took turns to make it fair on everyone.

“Ok speak up people, it’s my turn to pay and I’m starving.” Eric stated.

Ok then, Callie though, it’s Eric’s turn to pay. One by one after Eric said his order to the lady behind the counter everyone spoke up, and the list of food was indeed very long. For a moment it surprised Callie but then she shook her head smiling knowing that she should have known that was going to happen. If the guys wanted to they could order the shop out.

After the lady finally added up the total Eric handed her the money and got change and a huge recept in return. He looked at the piece of paper and laughed. Callie chuckled and turned to look at Beau who was standing beside her. He, like everyone was still soaking wet- His hair stuck to his face and the hood of his jacket was flat on top of his head. Callie barely noticed that Beau had already been looking at her before she faced him. He smiled.

“So let’s find somewhere to sit.” He suggested looking around.
“Sure.” Callie agreed smiled back.

Beau carefully and nervously took her hand in his and led her over to the far wall and sat down, Callie smiled and sat next to him but keeping hold of his hand as she did. The shop was only a small place and mainly just a quick stop on the busy road so they didn’t have a sitting area inside; they did outside - but in the rain. The lady behind the counter smiled at them like if she was saying it was fine if they sat there.

After a moment the other guys joined them, sitting in a circle on the floor, apart from Eric who tried to sit on Callie’s lap but ended up flat on his back on the floor, making everyone laugh. He sat up next to her and stuck his tongue out at everyone, they just laughed more. She stuck her tongue out at him too.

Eric smiled and rolled his eyes before opening the bottle that he had and took a large gulp of it. Callie looked away from him and at Beau; who was actually still holding her hand while talking to Mike. She then looked down at their entwined hands and smiled blushing slightly.

“Aww, isn’t yous cute!” Eric whispered into his sister’s ear.

Callie hit him on the arm. He just smirked almost as if he was proud. She gave him a bit of a glare and he smiled moving his hand in front of his mouth as if he were zipping his lips together. Callie smiled glad that he knew when to keep his mouth shut. He had promised her he would never say anything to Beau or the others about her feelings and he was doing his best to keep it. He even denied rumours that spread around bands they had toured with.

“Your food is all ready.” A voiced called cutting off all small talks in the group that sat on the floor.

Eric and Jared got up and headed to the counter to collect everyone’s food. Callie watched as her brother juggled a bunch of boxes and drinks in his arms. She chuckled and as he got back to the group she held her free hand out and Eric handed her, her food and Beau’s. She placed her food on her lap, handed Beau his with a smile and then took Eric‘s food so he could sit down next to her where he had been before.

“Thanks sis!” Eric beamed taking back his food and opening the box.

Callie smiled at him and turned to look at Beau. She softly let go of his hand so she could use both of them to eat her meal. Beau smiled at her and placed some chips into his mouth before turning back to his convocation with Mike.

“So Callie, did you get many good pictures?” Matt asked with his mouth half full of food.
“Sure did! I got some really awesome ones tonight.” She smiled before taking a bite of her chicken salad roll.
“Can I post some on our MySpace?” He asked looking hopeful.
“Sure, once I have them on my laptop, go ahead.”

Matt smiled and went back to eating his food as did Callie. After that no one else talked while they ate unless it was a complaint about their wet clothes and hair sticking to their skin or the odd clash of thunder that scared at least one of them every time.

After about almost half an hour everyone had finished eating everything, including the bars of chocolate that Jared had brought. Everyone started laughing when Eric brought up what happened earlier that night. Jared glared at Eric.

“More like those girls was going to kidnap you, rape you, then...then...” He trailed off running out of ideas.
“And sell you on E-bay for 25 cents!” Matt laughed randomly.

Jared lost it and left himself fall backwards laughing. Everyone else burst out laughing too as Eric crossed his arms over his chest and started sulking like a little kid. Callie tried to stop herself laughing, but she couldn’t even when she covered her mouth with her hands. Beau placed his head on her shoulder trying to gain his breath back.

“You guys are mean!” Eric complained. “I wanna go back to the van!”

Laugher started again at Eric for the little kid voice he was using. He rolled his eyes smiling. Once everyone calmed down again Mike stood to his feet.

“Let’s get going, we have a whole nights travel to get through.” He sighed still chuckling.
Jared groaned still laying on the floor.
“Let me guess I’m driving first?” He mumbled.
“Nah, I will.” Mike said. “You’ll be second.”

Callie stood to her feet at the same time as Beau did. Everyone else got up off the damp floor of the shop and threw their rubbish in the bin as they headed for the shop door that let in a flash of bright light from the lightening. Callie started thinking about the storm and wondered how long it would take to drift away. She wasn’t really happy about the fact that they had to drive through it for the next who knows how long.

“Thank you, bye!” Matt yelled to the lady behind the counter.

She smiled and waved at the group. They all walked outside and under the small cover area in front of the shop. It was still raining, but not as hard as before, the water washed over the ground like a small river across the pavement.
A huge gust of wind wiped up behind where Callie was standing and blew her half dry hair everywhere and made shivers trail down her spine. She started shaking from the cold as the guys talked about how they were all going to get to the van, without getting as wet as before.

Eric looked over at his sister when he noticed she wasn’t in the talk and noticed her shaking. He looked at her a bit worried and walked up to Callie, wrapping his arms around her. He was about cold as what she was but he wasn’t shivering yet. Callie wrapped her arms back around him holding him close. She gave him a thankful smile making Eric smile back at her.

“Ok, well I’ll run and get the van and come pick yous up, sound good?” Mike asked.
“Yep, sounds good, hurry up while the rain isn’t so heavy.” Matt stated crossing his arms over his chest to keep himself warm.
“I’ll go too.” Eric said looking at the guys from over Callie’s head. “Someone needs to save him if he goes ass up and face first into the ground.” He laughed.
“Like you did before?” Callie laughed into her brother’s chest.
“Smart ass.” Eric mumbled making her laugh more.

Eric let Callie go and pushed her still shaking form over to Beau. Callie blushed looking down and Beau slowly wrapped his arms around her like Eric had to try and keep her warm.

“If she gets frost bite before I get back, you’ll be the one with no toes or fingers.” Eric said smiling.

Beau just laughed.

“She won’t, I’ll keep her warm.” He smiled.

Eric smiled, winked at Callie and turned before running into the rain with Mike. Callie wrapped her arms around Beau as he half hid his face in her half wet hair. Jared and Matt stood shoulder to shoulder to keep warm and try to block the gusts of wind as they waited. A huge crash of thunder rumbled over the top of them making Callie jump.

“It’s ok, it’s only noise.” Beau said quietly.
“I know.” She said just as soft nodding. “Wish it had a warning for it though.”

Beau chuckled making his breath hit her neck and making her skin tingle. She felt her cheeks heat up against the cold. She was happy that he couldn’t see her face right at that moment. Beau smiled closing her eyes as he leant his head over hers. He felt his heat thump in his chest from having her so close to him.

Suddenly the van’s horn sounded making him jump from a noise this time. Callie laughed.

“See, loud noises need warnings.” She chuckled.

Beau laughed and let her go apart from one arm around her waist. They headed over quickly to the van and jumped in right after Matt, sitting in the far back. Once they had sat down and Eric closed the side door as Beau wrapped Callie back into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist still shivering.

“Turn the bloody heater on!” Jared yelled.
“It is on! The thing is crap.” Mike yelled back starting to drive away from the petrol station and onto the main road.
“Crappy old van.” Jared muttered pulling one of the blankets in the van over him.

Matt, who was sitting next to him grabbed the other half of the blanket and pulled it over his legs. Jared narrowed his eyes at him for stealing half of his blanket, but didn’t pull it back.

“Feeling any warmer?” Beau whispered in Callie’s ear making her look away from the others and at him.
“Yeah, a bit, thank you.” Callie whispered back.
“Your welcome.”

Beau kissed Callie’s cheek softly and for the second time that night, placed his head on hers and closed his eyes smiling as he held her close. Callie blushed lightly and closed her eyes as she held him tighter, not caring if anyone else in the van saw them at that moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
hope you liked it.
comments make me update faster :D