Status: Finished :3

All Alone Is Where We Started, but We All Feel the Same

Let Them In On All Of Your Secrets

Callie woke to the feeling of someone moving beneath her. She opened her eyes slowly to see the inside of the van full of dull grey light and the trees passing the windows in a grey-black blur. She yawned and rubbed her right eye as she rolled into her back in which she realised that her ‘pillow’ was something warm. She looked up and let her eyes focus onto the figure she was using as a head rest.

Beau sat with his head leaning against a pillow that was flattened against the window with his eyes shut; fast asleep. Callie smiled at him realising how calm and peaceful he looked when he was asleep. She moved carefully a little to see his face better while trying not to wake him. Beau sighed in his sleep and tried to bury his head into the already flat pillow. But he didn’t wake up and Callie let out a breath she didn’t notice that she was holding in.

She smiled again and watched as Beau slept for a few minutes before she got an idea. Her camera. This would be a lovely time to take a picture of him while he looked so peaceful. Callie’s smile flattened when she realised something, her camera was in the far back of the van, she couldn’t get to it or the video camera that the guys brought onto the tours...But she had her phone.

She smiled and pulled her phone out of her pocket of her jeans. She was amazed that last night it didn’t get wet or broken when she fell asleep with it in her pocket. She clicked a few buttons and placed it on the camera. She didn’t use her phone camera often, but she was glad in moments like this she had it. Callie lifted the phone into a good position and pressed the button. The phone made a ‘snap’ sound and the picture appeared on the screen. Callie thought it looked perfect, just like Beau looked at the moment.

“What are you taking pictures of?” Eric whispered looking over the seat at her and Beau.

A smirk formed on his face when he saw how his sister was laying using the sleeping Beau’s lap as a pillow. Callie fought off a blush. Instead of answering she took a picture of Eric smiling. He chuckled and held his hand out for the phone.

“Can I have a look?” He whispered.

Callie handed him her phone, he took it and looked at the picture of himself. He then pressed a button and before Callie could say anything, Eric took a picture of her and Beau. Callie couldn’t fight the blush off this time. Eric beamed at her, handing her phone back.

“Yous look cute.” He smiled winking at her before turning around sitting back in his spot before
Callie could say anything.

She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile as he looked at the photo Eric took. She placed her phone back into her pocket and looked back up at Beau just as he started stirring.

After a moment he flickered his eyes open slowly and mumbled a little, obviously still half asleep. He pushed his hair off his face and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“Good morning.” Callie smiled as she spoke quietly.

Beau looked down at her and smiled sleepily. He moved down to kiss her forehead.

“Morning Cal.” He said before yawning as he placed his head back on the pillow.

He smiled and moved the stay hairs off of Callie’s face that she didn’t bother moving before.

“How did you sleep?” He asked smiling softly still.
“Good.” She smiled back. “I have a nice pillow and you?”
“Great, but I had a crap pillow.” He chuckled quietly.

Callie laughed quietly in case someone in the van was asleep still, but she heard Eric snicker obviously listening to them. She wanted to tell him off and hit his arm for it, but that would mean she’d have to move; and she didn’t want to. Not yet.

“Ok, hands up for whom that is awake.” Matt asked from the driver’s seat.

Three hands went up in the air, showing that Mike and Jared were still fast asleep. Matt nodded looking the rear view mirror at them.

“Well stop for breakfast when we get to the city in about 2 hours, or when they wake up.” Matt mumbled.
“Ok.” Beau said before looking down at Callie.

She smiled and dropped her arm. Beau yawned again. She chuckled.

“Maybe you should go back to sleep.” She suggested.
“Nah, no point now that I am awake, probably won’t fall asleep again.” He said softly.

He wanted to tell her why he was still tired but decided against it. He had spend half of the night watching her sleep leaning on his shoulder until he moved her onto his lap before finally falling asleep himself at some stupid time in the morning after the storm had finally passed. He smiled remembering how lovely and peaceful she had looked...And also how much he just wanted to lean down and kiss her; but didn’t.

He sighed at that last thought. Callie looked up at him curious knowing he had just been deep in thought about something, but didn’t ask what he had been thinking about; she didn’t want to be nosy. Beau smiled at her pushing those thoughts away.

“Do you want to listen to some music?” He asked.
“Sure!” She chirped making Beau laugh.
“Hey Eric, can you past me my MP3? It’s in my little bag somewhere up there.”

Eric looked away from the window where he has zoned out and looked around for Beau’s bag. He found it and handed Beau his MP3.

“You’re welcome.” Eric smiled.

He smiled at Callie too before turning around. Eric sighed looking out the window. He wanted his best friend and sister together already. He was trying to come up with plans to get them together, but so far he was coming up with nothing.

“Here.” Beau said handing Callie one of the headphones.
“Thanks.” She said taking it and placing it in her ear just as the next lot of rain hit the van roof.

She closed her eyes as the music started.


Callie stood in the ‘Blessthefall’s’ room at the venue watching Eric mess around with his guitar as the other guys were off somewhere else in the building probably talking to the members of the other bands that were playing. Callie looked down at her camera bag that was strapped around her neck and once again went through her mind making sure she had everything she needed. She couldn’t wait for the show to start so she could start snapping photos. Like she already had been that afternoon.

“So any news?” Eric asked looking up from his guitar smiling.
“News about what?” She asked walking so she was in front of where he was sitting on the small
“About you and lover boy, yous have been even closer since that storm the other day.” He smirked.

She rolled her eyes; she had been waiting for this for the last three days.

“No, there isn’t any news, if there was you’d be the first to know; of course.”
“So you haven’t told him yet?” Eric asked tilting his head to the side.
“No.” Callie sighed. “Not yet.”

Eric stood from where he was sitting and walked across the room and placed his guitar in its holder awaiting to be played in the next few minutes. He turned around and faced his sister.

“You know you really should just tell him. I have no idea how you managed to keep it so quiet for so long.” He started before mumbling “Or Beau about liking you for that fact.” Under his breath so Callie couldn’t hear him.

It had been 5 months ago the both of them somehow came to Eric and told him their feelings for each other on the same day, ever since then he tried to get one of them to spill their feelings, but it hasn’t happened yet. Both Callie and Beau were afraid of what the other thought and decided to keep quiet putting their relationship as friends first.

“But what if he doesn’t like me? I don’t want to make our friendship weird, remember what happened to Tanya?” She asked remembering what happed to their cousin who was in the same situation a few years ago and ended up on the worst side of things and heartbroken.
“Yeah, of course I remember.” Eric stated. “But what if this is different? What if he actually likes you too?” He questioned.

Callie sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. She wanted to tell Beau, but she was afraid. Of what exactly, she wasn’t sure. But she was almost terrified thinking about it and talking about it with Eric didn’t help. She knew he meant good, but she was still scared.

“What happens if I’m too scared?” She asked quietly. “And why would he like me for? There is nothing that special about me, sure I can good some cool things but thousand of other people can too.”
“Not special! HA!” Eric exclaimed. “You are for a few reasons. One! You’re my sister so you have to be. Two! You’re just downright awesome.” He beamed.

Callie couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“Thanks.” She chuckled.
“No need to thank me! So turn you little ass around, find him, tell him, then let him suck your face off.”

Callie started laughing as Eric made little kissy faces. Sometimes she wondered if he was actually the older one and not her. But her laughing stopped when she actually thought of it.

“I can’t! What do I say?” She asked half panicked.

Eric sighed and walked over to his sister.

“Just tell him exactly how you feel, the truth. It worked for me that time when I went out with that chick in high school.” He shrugged.
“Why do you want me to tell him so bad?” She asked actually curious for his answer to that; she always wanted to know.
“Because I see the look on your face when girls hang out and flirt with him, even if he does push them away. I don’t want to see you hurt, plus though I’m not some magic relationship worker, I think you two would work out.” He shrugged. “Plus I know he would look out for you and I have easy way of getting to him if he hurt you in anyway.” He smiled.

Callie chuckled shaking her head.

“Since when was my brother so grown up?” She asked smirking.
“Since always!” He exclaimed doing a superman pose.

Callie started laughing as Eric then did the pose standing on one foot. He loved the fact he could make her laugh by just acting silly. Eric had always really cared about his sister.

“So now, Callie, go to him as say ‘Hey Beau, I’m in love with you!’”

Callie started laughing again at the way Eric was messing around, but froze in shock at the same time as Eric when another person’s voice entered the room.

“You’re in love with Beau?” Jared asked looking at Callie from the door hearing the last thing Eric said as he opened the door.

Callie went to say something as Jared walked into the room but stopped when Beau walked in. She looked at him in shock.

“Who loves me?” Beau asked confused missing what Eric had said.
“No one!” Eric said a little too quickly to cover for his sister.

Beau looked at them even more confused as did Jared. For a moment no one said anything.

“Callie! Are you going to take pictures of us when we enter on stage?” Matt called walking pass the room.
“Uh, y-yeah, I am.” She quickly mumbled.

She gave a quick glance at Eric and he looked back at her like if he was saying sorry. She nods her head ever so slightly saying she understood and quickly headed for the door walking around Jared. As she dashed passed Beau he spun and caught her wrist making her stop. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest.

She looked back at him and he opened his mouth to saying something, but nothing came out. He didn’t quite know what to say. Callie pulled her arm away gently and dashed out the room and ran catching up to Matt down the hallway by the side of the stage.

She felt tears wanting to weld up in her eyes but she shook her head and closed her eyes for a moment pushing them back. She opened them again quickly as she got to Matt.

“So I was thinking if you went and stood on the other side of the stage, on the huge black box you would get a good view of us.” Matt smiled.

Matt had always had an interest in helping Callie with her photos; usually he was the one doing the filming for the band on tours. Callie looked over to where he was pointing.

“Yeah...That looks good.” She mumbled quietly.

She was in slight shock still. All that went around her head was that Beau now knew. And now she was more afraid then before about him knowing. What would he think?

“You ok?” Matt asked looking at her worried.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Have fun on stage.” She said shortly before walking behind the curtain to the other
side of the stage leaving Matt confused.

Eric then bolted up to Matt with Beau right behind him.

“Where’s Cal-?” Beau started but got cut off by the stage hand yelling that they were going on stage right now.

Beau sighed and looked around for Callie anyway as the fans started chanting for the band. He wanted, no needed to talk to Callie as soon as he could.
♠ ♠ ♠
So did you like it? D:

I have the next 2 chapters written, the last two chapters. You want them out fast - comment and I'll post them soon as I can, sound good? :D