Status: In process of being edited and revised.

The Blue Gene


Sunlight was never present. The mountains didn’t like it anyway as they stayed cold in the corner of our Piscataquis County. Katahdin was more in the center and I don’t think he minded had there been sunlight or not these past few years but recently it hadn’t came and more snow were forming on the tips of every mountain. I liked it that way. The days were never hot, just cool and sometimes breezy; and it looked extremely boring…

“You walk so slow!” Jester was ten feet ahead of me, complaining on our walk home from school. I dragged my feet, my mind lost somewhere else but not very sure with what. My head was tilted back, blue eyes staring at the sky that I personally felt the closest thing to me.

I wouldn’t mind switching places with it to be honest. More excitement happened up there when there were storms or blizzards than on ground where kites didn’t even get stuck in trees.

“Hurry up, damn it!” Jester kicked a fire hydrant at his side cursing like some bitter child. The gesture was funny although I didn’t laugh. He normally kept me in stitches when I was really into his jokes, but for the most part they were really lame and I was the only one who entertained them. This is how Henry became Jester.

“The sky is beautiful today.” I barely heard my own voice as I spoke the words so softly, half dazed and head still tilted. I could imagine the twisted look Jester made on his face, disturbed and annoyed.

“It’s pretty everyday…you always say that.” I guess he didn’t want to wait for me any longer so Jester went ahead and left. I normally didn’t like walking home by myself or to anywhere for the matter; our neighborhood’s innocent look defied all the psychos lurking about, and that day especially felt spooky.

As soon as Jester left, it seemed as though the day had gotten darker. Clouds that weren’t in the sky before began to blanket over the sky. August suddenly felt like December as it got chillier and chillier. It wasn’t long before I suddenly noticed the dark group in the corner of my eye. I turned and face the sidewalk across the street from me. There stood five kids, two girls, three boys, all around my age it looked, with the most haunting faces. Though I was far away, I could see their eyes clearly—the color of a piercing blue that caused my heart to tremble.