Status: In process of being edited and revised.

The Blue Gene


“Stay still!”
“Oh dear Lord what the hell’s happening?”

I don’t know how I was doing it. I don’t know WHY I was doing it. But I was flying. Yeah, with out-of-control-almost-in-complete-hysteria Jester in my arms, holding him up with all my strength as I floated over the school and even the neighborhood.

“This is…amazing!” He spoke out again. I swear, if he was going to start blabbing out annoying things I was going to drop him. Plus he weighed a ton but I found that kind of odd because he was just tall and skinny not to mention weak looking…

Still. It felt nice. The air was smooth against my skin, breathing gently through my hair and a smile swept across my face in the process. I was flying.
Jester ruined the moment once again with his deep menacing voice.

“How are you doing this Dutchess?! This is…incredible!”

“Yeah no shit! I’m surprise you’re still in my arms at this moment.”

I had him up by the pits, so his feet were hanging down with no support. Jester looked down and could see the ground fifty feet below him. That’s when he tilted his head back giving me a serious gaze.

“Hey…don’t drop me.”
A hint of an evil smile spread across my face and I lowered my head to whisper, “Shut up or else.”

* * *

It seemed as though I needed to concentrate with a complex thought just to keep us up. I don’t know why but it was some kind of will power. When we safely landed (if you call crashing into a thorn of bushes without breaking anything then ok) I told Jester to never speak of what had just happened. He wanted to ask me a billion questions but I had to find the answers out myself. I briskly walked home. It was like I needed to get to the house before anything else freaky happened. I felt safe then. Once inside the apartment, I finally got to notice the quietness. Mom and Dad were out working still. I was all by myself once again.

Sighing, I kicked my shoes off once entering the living room and made my way toward the kitchen to get some water. My head felt heavy, it was kind of making me dizzy and I was afraid I’d pass out from dehydration or something crazy for being in the air too long.
Carmen jumped on the counter and scared the daylights out of me. After throwing a can of fart (don’t ask) toward her but missed, she hissed and scurried away.

“Stupid cat.”

I grabbed a bottle of water and drank on my way to my room. It was only a two room apartment. We didn’t have much, we weren’t poor, and we weren’t rich, just people trying to get by. Mom cleaned people’s houses, watched their kids and made them dinner. She was the real modern day slave. Dad drove trains and sometimes held tours on the weekends. They had a busy life, to support mine. I’d rather they not.

After kicking my door shut behind me I began to collapse on my bed, embracing the soft cushions and blankets. Cold from the air seeping through the open window…I don’t remember opening. My comfort wasn’t really satisfied as I felt a bad aura arise.
Ever had that feeling that someone was watching you?
Ever had the feeling that you weren’t alone?

“Who’s there?”

A dumb question to ask, I know, but really, do the people in those horror movies think before they die? I think not. Which is what makes people who slander them the hypocrites. You call those people in the movies stupid, but have you ever been in a real life or death situation? Have you ever encountered a crazy murderer chasing after you, trying to end your life?

I think I was a huge hypocrite when it came to things like that. I always shouted at the TV “RUN YOU STUPID BITCH!” but there I was, still as a frozen statue, sitting upright in my bed as I watched the shadow in the corner of my room move from the entrance of the door closer and closer to me.

My breath did not breathe, my eyes did not want to see, my mouth could not speak, and my death, sadly to say, was surely coming near me.

“I can hear your heart beat, Dutchess…”

I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I tried to. I WOULD have but something possessed me not to. What in the hell…
“It entices me to the very end…”

As if I asked for it, its hand was place on the middle of my chest, feeling my heart race, just about bursting out along with my soul. The hand was abnormally pale and smooth looking. I titled my head back, trying to picture my ceiling as the sky, to get some kind of comfort. It was ruined when I saw the girl with the pigtails just sitting in the corner of the ceiling, smiling down at me.


A chilling earsplitting scream escaped me next.