Status: Updates whenever possible I suppose :/

Bloody Kisses.

There's Dracula, Lestat, Vladimir Tod, Angel, Spike, Edward Cullen, Damon Salvatore, Adrian Ivashkov, Zoey Redbird, and many more. What exactly do they have in common?

They're all vampires.

You've entered their realm of immortality, blood-drinking, good lookers (well, most. haha.) now enter ours.

We welcome you to the realm of Bloody Kisses.

A realm like no other.

I warn you, these authors aren't to be messed with.

Our vamps are like none you've ever seen.

We can even twist the vamps you already know.

You could have Draco Malfoy seeming like a perfect angel compared to his 500 year old vampire girlfriend.

Or the new girl in school freaked to find her only friend and first kiss is a vampire. That'd be a shocker, go to make out and get your tongue cut on a fang. Huh, wonder if she'll ever try that card again.

Don't try to guess us, because the stories you're about to read will blow your mind.

I invite you to test our limits, because we will,
bite your head off,
snap your neck Alice Cullen style,
rip your throat out,
...and never fail to surprise you..

Warning;; Since the stories are all updated at random, it may seem confusing at times. Just remember the title you're reading, go back to the summary page, and finish reading that one if it helps. Other than that, enjoy&&comment please(:


Kailyn Killjoy
XxXBubblyGirlXxX <---our newest member. let's all welcome her(:

So help me if anyone changes their freaking name again I'm going to hit you. Hahaa.

Disclaimer;; We own nothing that is fanfic in here such as anything Twilight or whatever is to come. Just our own ideas and creations.

© 2010 BloodyBlackRose13, Broken_Glass, Chrys-Phanotis, Pull The Trigger, && XxXBubblyGirlXxX (our newest member :] )