In the Golden Afternoon


They rented a cottage. It was the summer of 2010 and they rented a cottage in the English countryside. It wasn’t perfect but the four of them, they’d never needed perfect. They weren’t looking for perfect and so they didn’t see the imperfections.
The garden was overgrown in a charming sort of way; there were daisies dotted around and a patch of bluebells down the bottom of the garden with deep, green trees looming over them. The house had a thatched roof, it was fading white outside and wood beams coupled with bare floorboards inside.

They didn’t know why they chose England. They didn’t know why they chose a cottage. They didn’t know why they chose that time.

But they didn’t care because it didn’t matter. All that mattered was being away, being somewhere else, being somewhere different.

The cottage; they named it Wonderland.

There was just the four of them. Alice, the Hatter, Brendon and Ryan.

The four of them never could draw a line, never find a boundary between each other. Where one began and the other ended, they didn’t know.

The one solid fact was that Brendon was a moon. Not just any moon. Brendon was Alice’s Moon.
Ryan and the Hatter weren’t sure where they fit in but they knew they did. Somehow.
The four of them were like a watch; each cog and gear was different but they all fit together to create something. They all needed each other to create this something.

Alice needed Brendon, and sometimes Ryan. Ryan needed Alice and Brendon. The Hatter needed Alice and Ryan. Brendon needed them all.

And so they spend the summer in an old cottage, in the English countryside.

It wasn’t perfect but they didn’t need it to be. They just needed each other.