Childlike Love

Breaking Up

Playing together as a bad for a while now, Siwon had grown accustomed to having some of his band members (Heechul) coming up to him on stage and kissing him. Maybe it felt okay because it was the heat of the moment or maybe because after Heechul walked away the fans would go crazy and isn’t that why they were in a band for, to entertain their fans? Even though those actions felt ok to take place in front of thousands of fans, he found it wrong for a man to kiss another man … or maybe he felt it wrong because of the incident that happened that day when it was him, Kibum and Heechul. They had returned early from and interview.

Kibum had been exhausted from not sleeping at all the day before and being busy all morning so as soon as they arrived he took his shoes off near the door and plotted himself in the center of the living room, laying on his stomach and letting his hair fall on his face. Heechul on the other hand, who had also skipped on his sleeping the day before, was very hyperactive, like if he had eaten a whole box of chocolates all by himself, and sat on top of Kibum. Laying the upper half of his body over Kibum’s upper half body Heechul wrapped his arms around Kibum. Too tired Kibum could careless about any further torture that Heechul could bring upon him.

Just when Heechul had nestled his head between Kibum’s right shoulder and his head, Siwon walked into the room carrying not only his bags but alse Heechul’s and Kibum’s. Seeing both of hem on the ground cuddled up together angered him. With anger he let all the things he was carrying drop to the floor and went into the kitchen to get something to drink. At that moment Siwon’s anger didn’t come from seeing Kibum and Heechul together, but because he had also been tired and frustrated.

When Siwon returned to the living room after fetching himself a cold water bottle, he sat on the nearest sofa. “You guys should get up or the floor will give you pain.” He was about to take a drink of his water when he retrieved as Heechul replied to his comment, “No, I wanna stay here with my love …” An as his voice faded, he moved his head more towards the ground so that his lips could find their way through Kinum’s hair to kiss him.

Just then, for the first time since Siwon had entered the room,Kibum reacted and pushed himself off the ground causing Heechul to loose his balance and fall to the ground landing with a loud thump. Heechul had grown accustomed to being pushed away by his band members that he only laughed at Kibum’s rejection, but then he put on a serious faceand turned to look at Siwon straight in the face. Siwon was surprised to see Heechul wanting to cry, but Heechul smiled at Siwon hopping that he would take his gaze away from his eyes and think that everything was ok, but it didn’t work. Heechul saw that Siwon didn’t react the way he wanted him to and laughed by himself with a big smile and ran to his room.

All this had happened within a little amount of seconds that Kibum didn’t notice anything at all and by the time Heechul closed the door to the room he shared with Hankyung, Kibum sat casually next to Siwon on the couch.

Hankyung had been home all day in bed fighting of a cold. He was surprised to hear Heechul come into the room and go straight to be, usually Heechul would great him even if he wasn’t wanted at the moment. “Heechul...” Hankyung called out, but there was no reply. Not being surprised and cold he got up and walked over to Heechuls bed, “He did it again didn’t he,” Hankyung said with a sigh. He tugged at Heechuls blanket trying to get him out from under the covers but Heechul only resisted. “No…” He replied laughing and crying at the same time.

Tired from all of this, Hankyung with one hard pull uncovered Heechul and brought his arms around him. It was sad for Hankyung seeing one of his best friends being tortured like this.

From what Heechul had informed him a couple of months earlier, Heechul and Kibum had shared an intimate kiss and to hear Heechul talk about it the way he described it, it really seemed like he was interested in Kibum and as the days went by there were more encounters between them. Heechul a couple of weeks earlier had confided in Hankyung that he didn’t want to hide, what was going on between him and Kibum, from his other band mates and that every time he tried something in public Kibum always gave him the cold shoulder and it broke not only broke Heechuls heart but also Hankyungs for having to see his friend tortured like this. Kibum was one if his best friends too, but he felt it unfair of him to be doing this to his other best friend.

Heechul sobbed in Hankyung’s arms for about 20 minutes. When he finally calmed himself down Hankyung said to him, “Want ice cream?” Heechul gave a short laugh and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt and asked, “Chocolate?”

“I don’t … ok,” Hankyung knew that there wasn’t any ice cream in the apartment so he stood and got ready to leave. “Can I come with?” Heechul asked also getting ready. Hankyung just smiled at him thinking that maybe having Heechul leave the house for a while would do him good.

They both walked past Siwon and Kibum in the living room. Heechul, cheerful like always, smiled at Siwon and Kibum and walked to the door. Hankyung walking right behind him saw the look on Siwon’s face that was asking him, what’s wrong with Heechul? Not knowing what to say he just shrugged hopping that he would take it as, I don’t know, but he seems better now.

As Hankyung and Heechul walked down the hall and stood waiting for the elevator, Heechul looked both sides and then behind him hopping no one was around. “… Hankyung,” Heechul called looking at him. “Mmm,” replied Hankyung, still looking away hopping that the elevator would come faster. Heechul standing there smiled widely. He found it cute how all his problems had nothing to do with Hankyung and when he could be in bed enjoying his day off, he’s up suffering when he didn’t have to.

Heechul’s quietness made Hankyung curious. He looked up to see Heechul smiling to himself. Hankyung not knowing why smiled back and asked, “What?” Sheepishly, Heechul shrugged and wrapped his arms around Hankyung’s waist. Snuggling his head against Hankyung’s neck he replied, “You’re funny.”

Although Hankyung had been hugged plenty of times before by not just Heechul, but by other members, he started to blush at Heechul’s actions, “…Why?” he asked clearing his throat.

“… Cause you’re going to get me ice cream silly.” Hankyng who had been holding his breath exhaled, knowing that this was Heecul’s way of showing that he was grateful for him being there for him.

“Kibum,” Siwon called him after Heechul and Hankyung had left. Kibum nodded to let Siwon know that he had heard him. “Have you noticed …” Siwon paused as his tone caught Kibums attention and turned to look at Siwon, “Have you noticed the Heechul has been acting weird lately?” To Siwon, Kibum caught by surprise, “Yeah its cause you kissed him at the concert last time, haha.” Siwon couldn’t help but blush and smile, “I did not! He kissed me!”

Kibum laughed a little longer before sighing and placing a hand on Siwon’s shoulder. Kibum’s sudden change of mood made Siwon put on a serous face. “Look don’t worry about Heechul, he’s going to be ok, he just needs some time … but I’ll talk to him if you want.”

“If you think it will help him, then yeah.” After Siwon had heard himself, he regretted what he had said. Lately he had found himself being selfish. He would get jealous or angry at people who made Kibum mad or even laugh.


“Hankyung,” Heechul called as they walked through a park that was not far away from where they had bought the ice cream. “Yes …” Hankyung replied finishing the last bite of the sweet bread he had. Heechul had insisted that he bought something at eh store, because he hadn’t eaten anything in the entire day.

Heechul, dumbstruck, for this whole past week he had been thinking only about himself and not about his roommate. A week ago, Kibum, when they were alone he told him, “Heechul, I think we should stop.” Not really paying attention to him, he Heechul, continued kissing Kibum’s neck. Growing angry, Kibum pushed Heechul away hopping to get his attention. “Why?” Heechul whined playfully.

When Kibum didn’t respond and only looked away from him, Heechul knew what Kibum meant. He asked why again, seriously the second time. Kibum had been known for being nice most of the time but he felt that if he lied to Heechul, he wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. “I feel … like I’m being tied down.” He turned to look at Heechul who seemed too composed at the time. “I don’t want to be committed to someone I now I will hurt.”

“What-” Heechul tried to speak but Kibum just kept going, “Heechul I like you as a friend, as a best friend, but I … I like another person, someone who I think I might want to be more than just … a friend…”