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He Dances Inside Of Me

That Way Or Another

Tyson’s POV:

Tyson slowly stood up. What just happened? He felt like he didn’t stand with both feet on the ground. Everything faded. He felt like he could fly, but immediately like he was about to crash. This wasn’t right. His world started turning and closed in on him. Tyson sat down.


It was that dream, it was this place and time, it was just too much. He calmed down and relaxed. He sat with his head bent forwards, his arms leaning on his knees. Until suddenly he was tapped on his shoulder. Tyson looked up and there he saw one beautiful, blond girl with blue eyes.

“Is everything alright?” she asked.

Tyson looked up with amazement.

“I’m fine” he whispered.

“Are you sure? You look like you’re about to die, haha!” the girl laughed,
“What’s your name? You’re one of the new guys, right? I can show you around if you want to.”

This tall, blond girl was called Amanda. She was one of the most beautiful girls at school. Everyone knew her, even Ty on his second day. She was a straight-A student, the best in maths, but she liked to keep it real. That was what everyone liked about her. She was not the one who was partying all the time, she rather spent her time with a couple of friends just watching some horror film.

“Sure!” Tyson was astonished.

She reached him the hand to help him stand up, because he could barely walk. Tyson was quite embarrassed, he should have eaten his breakfast. Now he looked like a junkie walking up and down, tripping over some tiny pebbles. He totally forgot about what happened just a minute ago and he was completely distracted by that girl. He promised himself not to let any girl distract him (he wanted to do good at school for this one time), but she did it.

“I think I’m in the same class as you are, I saw you yesterday. However I don’t think you’ve seen me. Poor you, you can barely walk! I’ll help you, but we must hurry now, we’re late!”

The fast ticking of her heels made Tyson melt on the inside. Suddenly he blurt out:

“Umm… I’ve heard of you and that you’re one of the best students walking this planet knowing all about mathematics. Would you want to help me with maths? I suck at it. I missed so much this last couple of years. Everything the teacher says, seems like Chinese to me.”

“Of course! Don’t worry, we’ll sort something out, okay?”

“Yes, I would really appreciate that…”

Amanda struggled to walk with her high heels and to support Tyson. But still she managed to shake her hair elegantly and show a tiny, but oh so perfect smile.

This lesson Tyson was totally fit and happy. Life was just feeling like hell, but some sun reached the rain and a rainbow showed. Tyson was filled with happiness.
The next hours raced by and Tyson was concentrated, especially at maths, since he arranged that Amanda’s going to teach him some calculation methods on Wednesday (TOMORROW). He would not want to look like “someone who doesn’t even understand maths”, also called, a dumb-ass.
The last lesson before the break he sat in the same classroom as Nick. Before it started they chilled in the hallway. That’s what Nick used to do with Chris and Mike before every lesson; stretch the time they were free to chat as long as possible. Tyson asked Nick for some coffee (he always had some in his bag) and told him about what had happened. At least, what he SHOULD think had happened. Tyson told him about that he had a bad dream and couldn’t fall asleep, and that the next morning he didn’t eat any breakfast; so Ty warned Nick that he could piss off some faster today. Nick totally understood it and laughed. He had this type of days regularly. Tyson and Nick talked some more in the hallway when Mike passed by and stopped for a chat.

“Hey!” Mike called.

“Hey Tyson! How was your lesson?” he asked.

“Oh, it was quite interesting. I never learned that at private school.”

Nick’s face twisted, like if shocked.

“You went to private school?” Nick bluntly asked.

“Yeah, or I studied at home… haven’t you listened to my speech the first lesson?”

“No, sorry! I usually don’t listen to anyone who stands in the front of the class. I’m sorry!”

Tyson was hurt, actually more disappointed. He was the one who he thought understood him the most, and then he starts asking these questions like he’s from another planet! He had told his whole life out there in front of the class, that were two days ago! The first few minutes out there seemed to be the worst minutes of his life, until, Nick gave him that look, like everything is gonna be okay. But actually, he didn’t listen at all.

“I guess it’s okay.”

Despite the fact Nick apologized and tried to cheer him up the whole time, it didn’t work and Tyson didn’t feel any better.
It was lunchtime, and Tyson had no need to see the guys for a while, so he decided to sit at the table where Amanda sat, in the corner. She was busy making homework, or so it seemed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Helloo everyonee
I thought I'd give a new bend to the story and would like to know your opinions about the new girl, suddenly appearing.
This will cause conflicts, I guess, and more tensions, and more fun!
Hope you liked it :)
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Chapter Title: One way or another - Blondie