Mad as a Hatter, Thin as a Dime

Chapter One.

Dear diary,
The ward got me a new diary, considering my old one was no longer usable. This one was made in Hong Kong. How wonderful. I've never been there, and have no desire too. I suppose that since you are a new diary, I should tell you who I am, and what I want with you. Well, I'm Jon Walker. Male, obviously. I don't have friends. Which is why I'm talking to you. I don't want that to hurt your feelings or anything, though. The ward I mentioned earlier is the psycho ward. It isn't really called that, but that's how the fuckers in here feel. They're all crazy. But me? I'm not crazy. I'm just plain mad. Mad as a hatter. Bonkers, you could say. I have Anti-social Personality Disorder. I'm eighteen. I couldn't be admitted into the ward for that certain disorder until I was this age. I've been here almost a year. I stay in a warm room by myself, with an extra bed. They believe that I could be dangerous, if I have one of my agressive outbursts. They treat me like an alien.

"Don't touch him."
"Be careful."
"Watch what you feed him."

But today, I get a new roomate. They moved in a bed and a few suitcases. No sign of the nutcase yet. I can only wonder if it's a boy or a girl? What's he like? What's his disorder? I doubt we'll be friends though. Part of Anti-social Disorder is not being able to make, or to keep friends. Mostly because I don't realize when I hurt peoples feelings, so I lost all my friends. Not that I mind. I have diaries, and that's all I really need.

I looked around the room, plain white walls just like in a hospital. My sheets were gray, a color that was alright. But it's bad when the only color in the room is the burnt food they bring you. I don't see how any of this treatment was supposed to make me better. One of the workers walked hesitantly into the room, making me look over.

"May I help you?" I asked harshly, making him flinch.

"Here is another glass of water, sir." he said, timidly sitting a glass down on the table by the door.

"Get the fuck out." I growled, tired of seeing his scared face already.

He nodded quickly and left the room in a hurry. I rolled my eyes, feeling like a monster. I can't wait to see what the new guy thinks of me.
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New story. :)
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