Sequel: You Can't Save Me Now
Status: Completed;; thx for everything, check out Pt. 2!!!

16 And 24


"Shayna! Please!" Ronnie called after me.

"Ronnie, leave me alone!" I yelled back. I began to run, just like last week.

"Shayna, please. Just hear me out!" I heard heavy footsteps behind me, which means he's running after me now.

Oh joy! I saw my bus and relief washed over me, until Ronnie grabbed my waists. "Max! Max!" I screamed. Ronnie covered my mouth with his hand and turned me around to look at him.

"Why won't you listen to me? All you ever do is scream for Max! Well let me tell you this; one day he's not going to be here to come to save you Shayna!" Ronnie yelled.

He said the same thing about my father... one day I was home and he and his dealers came over, and tried their usual's, well my dad came home and I screamed. Let's just say it was a big uh-oh.

They beat my dad up pretty good, and then me.

I felt Ronnie's body weight being forced off of me, I squeezed my eyes shut, and I hit the ground. I curled up in a ball, sobbing.
Why do I always cry? Well Ronnie is one of the reasons, and I am a total spazz.

I heard footsteps running away, so I opened my eyes to see -- Craig?

"Craig?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's okay now Shayna. Ronnie's gone." Craig said picking me up bridal style.

"Where's Max?"

"He's, uh... gone."


"Shayna, please come out and talk to us," Bryan asked from outside my bunk. Well, it really wasn't my bunk, it was Max's bunk.

Keyword is: was. Until he left and took Aidan.And left me; which as I recall he said he wouldn't!

"Bryan, I d-don't want to talk about it." I mumbled. I buried my head in the pillow which smelled like Max's shampoo. I began to cry for the second time today.

"Please? It'll help." Bryan pushed.

"I don't want to fucking talk about it! He left me and took my baby! What's there to fucking talk about?" I yelled/sobbed. "I'm a useless, stupid, slut!"

"Shayna, don't say that!" Craig said.

"Well, I'm sorry if I tell the truth..."

"That's fucking it," I heard Craig say. "Out everyone,"

I heard everyone leave. Good, I can some sleep. I shut my eyes and as I was about to fall asleep the curtain that was blocking me from the world got ripped open to reveal Craig standing there.

He crawled in and shut it. He climbed on top of me, and kissed my forehead. "Talk,"


"Shayna, talk." Craig demanded.

"Craig, no." I said.

"Shayna, I have to tell you something." Craig looked down. I waited. "I'll love you more than Max ever did, and I have ever since the day I met you."

Well, there's alot more drama that I don't need...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it was short...
&& don't kill me! =/

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