Sequel: You Can't Save Me Now
Status: Completed;; thx for everything, check out Pt. 2!!!

16 And 24


The past few weeks I've been puking, and Max has started coming over alot.
We were on the couch watching a movie when I felt like I was going to puke again. "You okay?" Max asked.

"No, hold on," I said, I ran towards the bathroom and I has just made it. I groaned. I turned around to see Max there, ugh! How embarrassing!

"You're going to a doctor." He said hugging me.

"No, Max please, no." I begged.

"Why don't you want to go to the doctor?" He asked.

"'Cause I'm scared of what they'll say...," I started crying like I always do after I vomit, thus embarrassing me more.

"What's there to be worried about? I mean what are they going to say?" He hugged me closer to him.

"I don't want to say it! And I hate you for it! But Max, I love you..., but--" I whipped around and puked into the toilet. Major ewwy...

"I know, I'm sorry I did that, I don't know what I was thinking. Some days all I want is you, some days all I want is just to see you're smile... one day I swear to god that going to be a fucking song Shayna, but please, let them see whats wrong with you." He said, he leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back for as long as I could, which was for about 5 seconds and then: back to the toilet!

*(Max's POV)*

We were waiting for the doctor to come back, we've been here for 15 or 20 minutes. They've done a whole shit load of tests on Shayna, one sent chills down my spine and butterflies in my stomach: pregnancy.

"Oh Max shut up! It's not possible, you had a condom!" I yelled in my mind.

I was pacing around the room. "Max, please sit down, you're making me even more nervous." Shayna begged.

"Sorry," I said sitting down. The doctor came in and I got right back up.

"Ms. Star?" The doctor asked.

"Yes?" Shayna asked.

"I'm Dr. Moore, you're test results came in, and you're pregnant." He said.

"Fuck...," I whispered.

"What?" Shayna asked.

"You're pregnant," Dr. Moore repeated the two words that were torture, I just ruined Shayna's life.

"That's impossible, can't you redo it or something?" She asked frantically.

"I'm sorry, but we always run the tests 3 times just to make sure, you ARE pregnant."

"We get the point!" I yelled. I didn't mean for it to come out, but it did.

"Thank you," Shayna said grabbing her things. She grabbed my hand and walked out.

*~-At Shayna's House-~*

"Max, what am I going to do? My mom is going to fucking kill me!" She screamed/cried.

"I don't know, we'll figure something out," I said hugging her. She sobbed into my chest. "God, I am so sorry Shayna."

"Don't be... it wasn't entirely you're fault." She said. I kissed the top of her head.

"Shayna?" I heard a female voice say. A woman walked in-- must be her mom. "Shayna, why are you crying?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh-Ohzz =O

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented and sent me messages: you guys fucking rock! =) <33333

Updates coming soon. (This is the second update today! xD) !!! Rawr. =P