I Wish To Spend My Last Night With You

Carry on

I sat in bed restless as always. I have been this way for a month ever since the news. The news that broke my heart. My fiancee whom I love with all my being has cancer. I'm not even sure who cried more when we got the news and I'm not sure who cried more when they said there was nothing they could do. So here I am trying to will myself to sleep. We were gonna be married we had everything planned it was all perfect until this. I pounded the pillow and buried my face in it and began to cry. How could life be this heartless how can it be so cruel? I got up and entered the bathroom and examined myself in the mirror. I was a wreck my eyes were puffy and red from endless nights of crying myself to sleep in the early hours of the morning. Thick black lines hung under my eyes and my hair was a mess. The guys were all very supportive during this time. We canceled our entire tour so I could be with her until...I don't even want to think of that! I still hold a hope that they can help her that they can save her but I know I'm just hurting myself more. I sighed as I made my way back to the room I stopped when I saw her sitting on my bed. I flicked the light on and sure enough it was her.

"Ava what are you doing here?" I asked as she stood up shakily I immediately crossed the room to her and stabilized her. She was crying so I sat us down and she leaned into me and I put my arm around her waist.

"They tell me this is my last night Andy," she whispered. I hugged her closer and lifted her face to meet mine. Tears were filling her once vibrant green eyes. Her eyes are now listless and dull. I kissed her forehead gently. Tears also filled my eyes once more.

"But that's why I'm here," she said. I looked at her.

"It's my last night so I wanna be here with you," she told me. I bit my lip.

"Don't talk like that baby your gonna be OK!" I cried trying to hold on to my small flicker of hope which was extinguished when she shook her head.

"No Andy they told me that, that there was nothing they could do please don't make this harder then it already is!" she said tears flowing from her eyes now. I held her close and pulled us so we were lying in the bed. I carefully pulled a blanket over us as she shivered in the cool air. She breathed slowly as I pulled her closer.

"Ava won't I get in trouble if the hospital finds out you sneak away I mean what if they think I took you away?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"I wrote them a note," she said. I smiled.

"Andy I want you to promise me something," she said.

"OK," I said. She took a deep breath in and exhaled.

"I want you to go on after I'm gone don't hesitate to marry another I want you to be happy as long as anyone you choose to marry after me knows about me and know that I give them my blessings," she said. I thought about it the thought of her not being here hurt to think about no matter what I did.
She cuddled closer.I still haven't said anything I looked out my window to see the sun just starting to rise. I heard her breathing become heavier as I knew this was the time I dreaded to come but sure enough it was here. I kissed her lips one last time and whispered in her ear.

"I promise," I said. She smiled.

"I love you Andy," she whispered barely audible. Tears flowed from my eyes again.

"I love you too," I replied laying my head on her chest. I could hear her heart beating faintly.One beat, two beats and then nothing.

~2 Years later~

I walked down the rows of gravestones till I found hers. I stopped and knelt down in front it.

"Hey Ava it's me," I said. I placed the bouquet of flowers I had brought down in front of me.

"I brought someone for you to meet," I said again waving someone over. The girl quickly walked over and joined me. She had black hair and hazel eyes which were filled with curiosity.

"Bella 2 years ago I was engaged before to Ava and she died before we got married but before she told me to carry on and meet someone else as long as you knew about her," I said. Bella nodded and smiled hugging my arm.

"She also said that you should know you have her blessings," I said. Bella looked at the grave marker in front of us and smiled.

"Thank you Ava," Bella whispered. I hugged Bella closer. Suddenly the area around us got warmer and I knew that Ava was shining down on us giving us her blessing. I stood up and led Bella away. Not before whispering.

"I'll love you always Ava."