

Im serious Marley. I've missed you like crazy. I just want to be able to hold you in my arms again.

I sighed and kept looking at the screen, I was almost home but I stopped along the side of the road and just sat there for a bit. Not wanting to go sulk in my room just yet. 

Come on baby, You don't even have to come here if you want. I can come see you.

I shut the phone and let it fall to the ground. Roo was such a fucking dick to me most of the time but when he was drunk he was the nicest person ever. That was the fucked up part. I wish I had my iPod but I left it in Mayken's car. I really needed to hear some amazing music right now. 
Maybe some Sienna Skies. 

"Breathe for me baby, breathe for me." I sang quietly as a car passed by. I wasn't getting any calls from KJ begging me to come back which suprised me. She was probably passed out though. 

"I knew I'd find you sooner or later." I glanced over to see Roo staggering towards me. "I meant everything I texted you Marley." 

I sighed, looking at the phone on the ground, his lip was busted and his cheek was bright red. Mayken really did some damage to him. I could tell he wasn't as drunk as he was before. 

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" He asked cautiously, as he slumped to the ground next to me. His breath still reeked of alcohol but I could smell the faint trace of plants. I guessed that's what made him sober up, he was chewing on some leaves. I didn't know what they were called in English but they were an old Apache trick. "I don't know what the fuck was up Stone's ass but I just wanted to talk to you Marley."

"I don't know Roo." I mumbled, leaning into his side a little. 

"Mayken called me and said you walked off from his house. Are you okay? Him & KJ are worried." I looked over at him, he was actually worried enough to look for me?

"Yeah, I'm fine." I muttered, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I knew under normal circumstances I would never let him get this close to me but I've had a shitty night. I was willing to take comfort in whoever was offering. 

"Mkay," He whispered against my hair. I sighed, deciding that I didn't give a shit anymore and wrapped my arm around his waist. "Marley, I really really really do love you." 

I looked up at him, trying to see if he was just messing with me but amazingly I saw nothing but the sincere look in his eyes. God I wished he wasn't drunk right now, then this would almost be perfect. 


Marley answer your fucking phone!!!

"Turn that shit down."

I opened my eyes, thankful that the curtains were drawn and the room was still dark. I turned my phone off and tossed it back onto the bedside table. That was probably the millionth text I had gotten from Kj but she could wait. I pulled the blankets tighter around my shoulders as I snuggled up against Roo's side. 

"Finally babe, 'bout time you turned that thing off." He mumbled, pulling me closer to his body. 

"Yeah," I mumbled, placing a soft kiss on his chest. "That was starting to get on my nerves."

"That feels so fucking good." He groaned. I smiled, tracing the outlines of the peace sign I drew on him last night. Which was probably the best night of my whole entire life. I felt completely at ease laying by him, it was like there was nothing in the world except the two of us. I didn't want it to end but I had to get home and somehow explain why I never come back. I reluctantly pulled away from him and sat up in his bed. I had no doubt that his house was trashed but I doubt he even cared. "Not yet babe, just a few more minutes." 

"My mom called me like a bajillion times." I giggled, pulling my shoes back on. "I have to go show her that I'm still alive."

"Are you gonna come back?"

"Of course." I smiled, as he wrapped his arms around my body, fuck he smelled good. "Could never stay away from you."

"Mkay Polk. I'll be expecting you here later. I need some more Marley lovin'" He said, smiling down at me.

"Whatever you say Andrew." I called over my shoulder as I turned my phone back on and walked out of his trashed house. 

Where the fuck are you?!??!?

I looked at the text from Mayken. Why was he even texting me. We're not even friends.  
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