Note to self: NEVER wake up Gerard

Welcome to the circle of doommother fukers

They sat in a circle. "Welcome to the circle of doommother fukers!" Gerard laughed evilly. Frank sweatdropped(you know like in anime?) "Don't mind him. It's his favourite game."
They laughed. Gerard looked up and pointed to Frank. Frank looked scared. "Gerard?"
"I dare you to.........HUMP A TREE!!!!!" he fell laughing. And here Frankie thoight he was half sane...ish....."Its a dare" Sonny reminded him taking out a small video camera. Frank mentally added 'kill Gerard' onto his to do list and went out to the park. The others laughed while Sonny filmed. Mothers looked worridly at Frank and pulled away there children. "Whats he doing?"asked curois children. "Dont worry honey his alittle crazy. Lets go to the park tomorow okay?" The mothers replys went.