Virgos and Scorpios

My Catcher in the Rye?

This was it. She couldn't handle it anymore. She had had enough. Today had been one of those days that marked her for life. It was 11 P.M. The only thing that filled her empty bedroom with light was the computer screen, place on top of the desk. She was sitting on a desk chair, staring out the window in front of her. Her window was wide open and there wasn't a sound outside. The only noise you could hear was the humming coming from the fan's blades spin. The vertical blinds on her window had been slid to the side so she could see the night, and feel the warmth and fresh air outside. You could see the green bushes in front of her window, the apartment buildings across the street, the streetlights and her father's white van parked in front. The girl sat there thinking of the same thing over and over. Her elbow was on the desk, and her hand was on her chin supporting her head up. She had been sitting there all day since she got home, just, thinking...
She put her hands on her face and covered her eyes then slid her hair in the back of her ears. The girl had so much on her mind. She looked tired and stressed. She reached for a paper on the desk, a paper that held her future. She was about to pick it up, but grabbed her iPod instead and put it in her jean pocket. The girl slipped on her converse and took the screen off her window. She climbed out her window, moved the bushes aside, and walked towards the sidewalk to sit on the street curb.
Out of all the bands in the world she could hear tonight, she chose Modest Mouse. It was an odd choice because listening to Modest Mouse was only going to make her feel worse. However, it brought her comfort at the same time.
The girl had 'til 12 a.m. to make up her mind. It was 11:15 p.m. She sat there and thought about her long day. Today was the day she realized she had no one. Every one had left her side. Or at least, every one except for one person.
Today was the day she grew up, because today the world no longer disguised itself. She had realized that friends come and go no matter how long they've stuck around; and that even family leaves your side. But the one person who had never left her side was neither a family member nor a friend. He was... himself. He was abnormal but in the best way you can imagine. He was something out of this world, like a guardian angel.
This girl was at the edge of a cliff. On her last breath. Tears shedding down her face every couple of minutes. Headaches growing bigger and stronger. She was tired of it. She couldn't handle it anymore. This girl had had ENOUGH.
The boy who'd always been there stopped by her house during the afternoon. He was tired of seeing her sad. HE had had enough. They had a discussion about life and at the end he gave her a ticket. It was an airplane ticket that would take them far from this place. He told her to go to the airport at 12AM and he'd be there, hoping she'll show up. It was all up to her now. She had to make a decision. The girl could either stick around and deal with this until it got better someday. She knew with time everything heals no matter how pejorative it gets. Things always end up getting better. Even though she knew this, it felt right to leave. Like if it was time. However, she knew if she went off with this boy that there was no turning back. It would be embarrassing to show her face around again. She would give up everything for good. Was it worth it?
It was 11:20PM. The girl stood up and walked back to her window. She climbed back in her room to sit on her bed. She looked at the ticket. Time was running out. She sighed and asked herself, "Is he really worth it all?"... and she found her answer. She had made her choice...
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My boyfriend, who is now my ex, one day as he was saying goodbye, he randomly told me to send him a message over Myspace because we never used them, we always wrote in comments. And so I did. But it wasn't anything regular because instead of sending him a "hello" or "what's up", I wrote him a short story which felt something we were going through but really weren't.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Ana Caulfield
To: sEbAyBaY!=[
Date: Sep 26, 2009 11:04 PM
Subject: You told me to message you something.

I wasn't sure what you meant by that exactly, but here you go.