What is love? (Fernard)

chapter 1

Frank POV

I watch Gerard talking to Mikey. He laughs. Oh god his so hot! What did i say? Well think.......whatever. Lately I can't seem to get him off my mind. Damm his sexiness......

"Frank?" Gerard says waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I say distractedly. I feel Gerards beutiful eyes on me. I hope I'm not blushing!

"You seem distracted. Whats up?" His smooth voice says. Oh nothing. I think i like you is all Gerard. Nothing big. I sigh. He would never like me.

"Nothing" I reply in a confident vioce despite my thoughts.

"Okay. If your sure Frankie." he turns to talk to Mikey again.

When am I ever going to tell him? Why cant I just say it? 'Because he might reject you' the voice in the back of my head says. Stupid vioce. "Shut up" I mutter angrily. Again I feel Gerards gaze.

"Who are you talking to Frankie?" he asks in that cute boyish vioce.

I blush. "Just the voice in my head" I reply. Gerard smiles uncertainly in confusion. I feel like kissing him then. His so cutewhen his confused. Mikey laughs and they resume conversation.