What is love? (Fernard)


"See you tomorow!" I call to the group. They wave back. Gerard looks back and waves. My eyes trace his form and I reluctantly wave back. I don't want to leave you Gerard. This would be a great time for cheesy music and everything slowing down so it feels like it lasts an eternity. I bitterly laugh to myself. As if! Why would a perfect guy like him like me?


Frankie put his head down and got lost in his thoughts. He didn't hear the crunches of footsteps or the laughter of teenagers. He didn't hear them call out "EMO GO SLIT YOUR WRISTS!" and other similar phrases .
The leader of the boys, Jorden, pushed Frank to the ground. Frank let out a strangled cry of suprise and got up glaring. Before he could defend himself Jorden pinned him against the tree and his friends ganged up on poor Frank. They smirked and took pleasure in his barely consealed pain as they punched and kicked him. They laughed and dropped him to the ground. He was covered in blood and was purple with bruises but got up anyway to walk home.

At home Gerard rang Frankies cell phone bored out of his mind.

Frank picked up the phone and tried to sound like nothing was wrong. "Hey Gerard" he said with more confidence than he felt.

"You okay?" Gerard asked worridly.

"Yeah don't wor-" Frank felt dizzy and ook a breath to calm his already frantic mind "Worry about me" he finished less convincingly.

"Where are you dude?"

"I'm in the park. I'm walking home now."

"Okay. See you tomorow. Frank?"

On Franks side there was silence.

Gerard mentally cursed....