What is love? (Fernard)


"Hey Mikey" whispered Gerard to his brother "I think somethings wrong with Frank. Lets check ok?"

Mikey stirred from sleep "Huh? Like what?"

"I don't know. But I think its very bad"

Mikey looked up to his brothers worrid eyes. It must be bad if it had his brother worrid. He nodded and put on his glasses.


At the park Frank lay unconsious and bloody. The park was empty. Even the underage teen drinkers had gone. Blearily he opened his eyes. 'Gotta get up. Got to get home' he thought but a sharp shot of pain stoped any movement. He resigned himself to whatever fate had planned.

Moments later Gerard and his half asleep brother still in there pjs ran in. Gerard softly swore before picking Frank up. He motioned for Mikey to help him. Together they carried him to there house.

There mother looked angry but her expressin softened at the sight of there friend. "Its okay explain later. Need help?" she asked.

Gerard and Frank gave her grateful smile before attending to Frank. They bandaged him up and put him on the lounge wth a blanket. They called his parents who were pleased to know where he was so late in the night. That he was relatively safe.

The night passed strangely. Gerard and Mikey couldn't sleep so sat up and watched there friend. Mikey eventually fell asleep on Gerards shoulder. Gerard mmoved so Mikey could confortably sleep. Gerard stayed awake watching and waiting like a loyal watchdog. They all wondered what caused those bruises? How had he got them? Who beat him?