Status: Will update when I write more...

The Way You Fell KILLED ME!

A letter to the dead...

Why did you have to do this to me? How am I supposed to feel when everything surrounding me is nothing but a fake disguise? Why does it feel like you are always purposely trying to hurt me? You say you’re not, but how can I believe that when you have lied to me so many times? You say you are madly in love with me, but do you really mean that? I guess I will never know now...since you’re gone.

I can still remember the day we first saw each other, it was so weird but I liked it, I saw you just standing there talking to her. You hadn’t noticed me, but man had I noticed you! You had on jeans that were tight and lose at the same time, they looked so good. Oh and that shirt I loved so much, the one that showed a little of your chest. I was stood like a stupid teenage girl staring at the cutest boy in school, but then you did something I didn't think you would. You looked straight at me, just looked...I wanted to look away so much, but it was like your gaze held me there, just staring mindlessly at you. Then she had to nudged you and it was like you were zapped out of a trance. And that was it, the first time we saw each other.

But now you’re gone, my ‘friends’ tell me I should move on. Find someone else’s hand to hold, someone else's lips to kiss. But how can I? I'm not ready for love, not ready for a replay of what happened. I go over it again and again in my head. But I don’t want it played out again in my life. What about if you were the one in my shoes, what about if you had seen what I saw? If you’d seen me jump? Seen me fall? Seen my head smash in to pieces as it hit the ground? After you my life is now full of what ifs. Will the questions in my head ever be answered or will they be there for life? Either way I suppose I will never know your reasons, only you knew, and I can’t exactly ask you can I? There you go. Another god damn what if!

Your dead and I feel dead inside; you’ll always live on with me. If I can cope with life...

At first you were so kind to me, so loving caring, but I suppose that's how it always is in the beginning. Every day you would tell me how much you loved me, how much in love with me you were. I always felt so special when you said those things, and when you called me beautiful, I though you really meant it. But how wrong was I? How dumb could one person possibly be? I though you loved me, but hey it’s not all about me.

There was no need to ask me why I believed what you said and told me, I thought you were perfect and that was because I was in love with you.

Didn't you ever think the about the pain, the damage, and the hurt you’d cause. Those eyes are what caught me, they held me the first time and they did over and over again...never really letting me go, until they closed for that one final time. Goodbye my sweet love xxx
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Ok so this was wrote when i was really tired and was listening to my iPod so a few cheesy song lyrics are in there >.<

Please comment if you want me to write more...Thanks x